Homemade Chalk paint experiment

Mary Insana
by Mary Insana
I went to buy plaster to make my own chalk paint. Since I am an impatient and WalMart didn't have plaster i bought a tub a premixed patching plaster. I just came home and added my paint and some water and painted an old board I had in the garage, i didn't want to paint anything important in case it doesn't work.
Brush Meadow paint for first coat and and if it works a cream color for second coat. Wish me luck !
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  • 1388315 1388315 on Nov 17, 2015
    Sorry, but did this work? I am sooo interested in the answer..
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  • Ginger Robinson Ginger Robinson on Sep 21, 2015
    I have been making my own chalk paint from the beginning. My favorite is the calcium carbonate and latex paint. And after that it is the plaster of paris & paint. The best thing is that I just buy the sample paints for a couple of dollars and add the calcium carbonate and can paint the furniture, distress it and wax it for pretty cheap. The hardest thing anymore is finding a piece of furniture that someone is charging a lot more then they should because they so many of us out here are looking for things like that.
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Nov 17, 2015
    It did work buy after experimenting with different methods to make chalk pain this is the one I use
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