Making a Fresh Evergreen Wreath

Before you get ready to decorate your front door for the holidays, have a quick look around you. What beautiful and festive greens are just begging to be transformed into a fresh evergreen wreath? Do you have Eucalyptus, Acuba, or Holly? Surely there are some greens nearby that look stunning at this time of year. A fresh wreath is a welcoming holiday decoration that celebrates natures beauty. And they smell as great as they look!

Here are some easy steps to make your own.
The holly and laurel branches that make up this wreath grow just outside my door. I don't think it needs a single thing added to make it look more festive.
Start by gathering your materials: grapevine wreath, twine, scissors, greenery and pruners.
Gather a nice bunch of greens and trim the ends.
Using the twine, tie the bunch to the grapevine wreath.
Continue adding bunches of greens (and reds!) until the wreath is all filled up. Secure each bunch well with the twine.
Use the pruners to do some shaping. Hang the wreath and stand back to evaluate where more or less is needed.
Hang in a prominent spot out of direct hot sun and freezing winds and it will last a long time.
Such a pretty wreath! Maintain its beauty by trimming off any browning or sagging leaves. You can remove the berries when they start to turn brown or just let them naturally shrink away.
A close up of the holly and laurel branches.
You can use just about anything you can find in a fresh wreath. This potpourri wreath has over 15 kinds of greens including pine, spruce, eucalyptus, hydrangea, figs, acuba and pieris.
Another potpourri wreath with some beautiful variegated holly.
Stephanie @ Garden Therapy
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Barbara Reeves Brown Barbara Reeves Brown on Dec 01, 2017

    Love your wreath and I gathered greenery from my yard for a mantel garland. After two days it has begun to wilt and leaves drying a turning brown. Is there a way to keep them fresh and alive for the next 24 days?

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  • Ardith Kirchhoff Ardith Kirchhoff on May 29, 2018

    This is fabulous for Christmas and holiday season.

    thank you! How about spring and summer and fall? I need ideas for each season of the year.

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