What to do with this?

by Sheila
I can't refuse anything free! A friend gave me this giant ceramic fish. It's about 3 foot long and two feet tall. I love it, but not sure what color to paint it or where to put it in my garden. Want it to be calming and classy, but need it to fit into a tropical - desert theme. Help!
  40 answers
  • Rebecca L Rebecca L on Feb 16, 2015
    love it like it is :-)
  • Eag1164132 Eag1164132 on Feb 16, 2015
    You could colour it the same as Nemo or any other tropical fish.
  • Carole Carole on Feb 16, 2015
    Could you get it to grow moss on it - all over so it looks like a fish shapes made of moss?
  • Liz Liz on Feb 16, 2015
    I love it just the way it is. Has a great look to it, I like the moss idea, though. You'd keep the original colors and put the moss on only in some areas. Would look like it has been there forever. I think this piece transcends most styles, could fit modern, could be country distressed, could be classic. Think long and hard before doing anything other than putting it in the garden as is.
  • Vicki S Vicki S on Feb 16, 2015
    A Desert theme I assume would include greens tans? Just paint a soft hue of either on the red and blue,,,, or as some have said leave as is will add a pop of color :)
  • Anne Weinholtz Anne Weinholtz on Feb 16, 2015
    I like it the way it is...its a great piece
  • BJ Sander BJ Sander on Feb 16, 2015
    when I looked at the fish I thought of the beautiful koi fish I had in my pond. I had a friend in Key West who had a koi fish pool on her balcony.
  • Donna Donna on Feb 16, 2015
    Maybe give him a light spray paint in either white, beige, or turquoise (whatever works with your landscape) to make him look like an aged piece of sculpture and tuck him in among your plants. Or could you attach a piece of glass or wood to his top fin and make him into a small side table?
  • Joni Dunlap Joni Dunlap on Feb 16, 2015
    out door modpodge it
  • Isabel Isabel on Feb 16, 2015
    I love that fish, its a great mold, just have fun re-painting it with some acrylic paint -- maybe a bunch of shades of blue and one pink touch or any color that looks good in your yard -- what a great gift!
  • Diana Mora Diana Mora on Feb 16, 2015
    This is what i did with my fish statue
    comment photo
  • Melissa Leach Melissa Leach on Feb 16, 2015
    Add it to your garden! I saw something on Pinterst where expensive cement fish were attached to a rod that stuck into a "sea" of green. It looked very cool!
  • Mary N Mary N on Feb 16, 2015
    I just saw a how to that used a mirror like paint inside jars and vases. It have them a rainbow effect. That might look like a fishy idea!
  • Frankie Laney Frankie Laney on Feb 16, 2015
    My suggestion would be to color the scales (the color parts) all one color and add some antiquing over the new color. I'm looking at the reddish brown color that's already on it, and think that would be a nice one to try. Maybe add flat crystal discs for his eyes.
  • Mary cynova Mary cynova on Feb 16, 2015
    Paint it like a clown fish (Nemo) and use as a door stop if he is large. It would look cute in an outdoor bird bath.. Or, put it in a rock garden or flower bed on a blue rock..maryc
    • Cathy C Cathy C on Feb 16, 2015
      @Mary cynova she said it is 3 feet long, so a door stop would be a little heavy unless it is a barn door! LOL!! But the Nemo colors would be cute!
  • Centrd Centrd on Feb 16, 2015
    I personally would want it all one color. Glossy paint would be contemporary and could be great. Like a Jonathon Adler work, it could make quite a focal point. But it looks like the texture might be rough. In that case, I'd paint over the colored parts to make it look more like a concrete garden sculpture. That will work in any themed garden and look more "classy". I think the real impact here is the size of the piece, not the color. Too bold or too many colors could easily make it look cartoon-ish and/or garish...unless your garden already has a lot of colorful, festive decor, then that's another story.
  • Luvzrozes Luvzrozes on Feb 16, 2015
    I would love to have one like it. I would Google tropical fish (maybe a grouper?) and find the one that looks closest to it and use the basic color scheme but brighten it. Then use a glossy acrylic protection coat. I guess it would depend on if you have a color scheme in the area you are putting it. If it is going to be in a sitting area use the matching color scheme. If it is going to be in a brightly colored flower bed (probably where I would put it), use bright floral colors. I might even use environmentally safe paints and put it in the center of a bird bath. lol.
  • Diane T Diane T on Feb 16, 2015
    I love him the way he is right now. I can see him swimming through a bed of succulents in your garden!
  • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Feb 16, 2015
    He's great, the easiest thing for a color change would be to revamp the existing colors, I would keep the white & tan, change the blue to a beachy teal (tiffany type blue) & change the red to a peachy coral color. Or an hombre color scheme would be cool! =)
  • Betsy Woolford Betsy Woolford on Feb 16, 2015
    I had a pair of similar fish statues that I painted with a stone finish spray paint.
  • Linda Sapp Linda Sapp on Feb 16, 2015
    I hope you keep him and take the advice of some of the people here. I personally love the idea by Diana Mora but any would do very nicely. I think you have a very attractive piece of art. And so do many others. Take advantage of it but I wouldn't put it outside in the elements.
  • Jean Thompson Jean Thompson on Feb 16, 2015
    how about a Coat or 2 or 3 of Copper spray paint.... then age it with a little turquoise for the patina then clear coat with outdoor polyurethane spray or brush on finish...
    • Mary Infante Mary Infante on Feb 17, 2015
      @Jean Thompson I seem to have stolen your idea for this!! Sorry about that. But great minds think alike you know! lol I honestly didnt see your post until after I posted mine. Again, Im sorry!
  • Nancy Carr Nancy Carr on Feb 16, 2015
    I would do a stone looking finish or even give it the same color paint as plain concrete but all one color.
  • Sheila Sheila on Feb 16, 2015
    Man, a lot of great ideas, ladies, thank you so much! I'll post a pic after I'm done with him!
  • Linda Sapp Linda Sapp on Feb 17, 2015
    Glad you changed your mind. Please do show us the results and I'll bet you have a hard time deciding. I know I would! :)
  • Peggy Schwenk Peggy Schwenk on Feb 17, 2015
    I would love him in my succulent garden just as is. Nice friend to give it to you.
  • Lee Cunningham Green Lee Cunningham Green on Feb 17, 2015
    Just saw this post can't wait to see how he looks all finished and in his spot!
  • Amy Appleby Amy Appleby on Feb 17, 2015
    Would look great by a pool or at a beach house. Finish in cool blue colors and seal it.
  • Grady Grady on Feb 17, 2015
    It looks fantastic. Maybe you should build a special shelf to put it on.
  • Shar D Shar D on Feb 17, 2015
    stone looking finish & cut in half ...then attach to book end supports....really cool book ends!
  • Jodi Jodi on Feb 17, 2015
    Give it to me 😃 love it
  • Mary Infante Mary Infante on Feb 17, 2015
    How about a hammered copper spray paint finish with the idea from above for adding a patina with teal paint? Cant wait to see the finished product whatever you do!!
  • Sheila Sheila on Feb 17, 2015
    Thinking about goin with something like this...
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    • See 2 previous
    • Sheila Sheila on Feb 21, 2015
      @Linda Hey Linda, is the top coat actually called clear top coat? is that the brand?
  • Linda Linda on Feb 20, 2015
    OK, Like I say, I know you will be doubtful about the fabric paint, but I have been using it for years.... If you need help, just feel free to email. Good luck !
  • Linda Linda on Feb 21, 2015
    I cant remember the exact name. You can buy it at Walmarts, or Home Depot. Just ask for a clear, I think it is acrylic, spray. They should know... tell them it is for a top coat to protect the paint on a piece your painting. Be sure to put it on in two coats, instead of one thick coat. That will keep it from "peeling" off.
  • Kathie taylor Kathie taylor on Feb 21, 2015
    Use the flat one sided marbles in blue to look like a pond or stream. So you don't loose them in the dirt, glue them to a concrete slab and bury it.
  • Karne Queen Karne Queen on Mar 15, 2015
    A talking fish needs a friend ...leave the color and angle a mirror so that there are two fish they will appear to be in motion because they are coming from 2 different directions. On the mirror.. some cheap mirror paint on a glaze of color washes that will make the second fish "appear" to be different colored. Toot Toot. that's what I would do. It's a quite beautiful fish.
  • Opal Opal on Mar 16, 2015
    He is awesome! I think he would fit in anywhere as is, but I am thinking succulents with some colored rocks and blue painted plywood "pond" or my garden if all else fails (just saying :)). Please post a photo of whatever you decide.
  • Lori Baptiste Lori Baptiste on Mar 17, 2015
    in the garden near a fish pond