Easy Pan Storage

by Albion
We have a fairly large kitchen, but have struggled with what to do with our pans. They were messy and clunky in a cabinet and we didn't have anywhere to hang them out of the way. We finally hit on the super easy solution of hanging them on the inside of the door of our pantry. It's just a couple of steps from the pantry to the stove, so the placement is great for us.
Our pantry has enough space between the door and the shelves to fit the pans easily. We bought some coat and hat hooks and installed them on the door.
We hung the heaviest pans closest to the door hinges so there was less stress on them. This was an incredibly simple project, but has made a world of difference in our kitchen!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  2 questions
  • Jkm8774540 Jkm8774540 on Sep 07, 2016
    where do you get the hooks?
  • Bna11408774 Bna11408774 on Nov 05, 2016
    How do you keep the pans from banging against the door when opening ang closing the door?
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2 of 6 comments
  • Ilene Ilene on Mar 12, 2020

    i live in an apartment. Use Command hooks to hang everything hangable in inside of cabinet doors. This pot lid is too big and heavy to do that. C/H, magnets, painted dowel on side of fridge. Also, fits with my eclectic aesthetic.

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  • Ilene Ilene on Mar 12, 2020

    Another view.

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