Dollar Store Cloche

by Caroline
10 Minutes
Do you know what a cloche is?(Sounds like 'coach' with an 'L' in it) A cloche or bell jar is a glass jar that is used in gardening to protect new sprouts. It actually acts like a mini-greenhouse for seedlings.
Real antique cloches sell for hundreds of dollars and even reproductions can be pricey. But I love to decorate with cloches. I like that you can set up a little vignette under the glass and use them year round. I just change up what I put under glass to match the season.

You can see how I use them at Christmas over on the blog.
One day when I was in the dollar store wandering the isles for ideas I saw these stemless wine glasses. Turned upside down it has a cloche shape. I bought a couple of the glasses and a clear candlestick with the plan of gluing a wooden disk to the top of the candlestick, creating an elevated base for the cloche. (This picture also shows little birds that I decided not to use)

When I got home I decided that the wooden circle I had looked too heavy for the candlestick. I rummaged around and found some silver plated coasters. I keep one by the coffee pot to lay my spoon in and I have used the others to place under bud vases. I didn't mind using one for my cloche base.

I headed to the boat house to look through the spare knobs I had and chose 2. I spray painted them with my favorite silver paint- Valspar Silver metallic Spray paint.

After the paint dried I glued them to the bottom of the wine glass using E6000 adhesive. I also glued the silver coaster to the top of the candlestick.

For the best results, clean both surfaces well with isopropyl alcohol. This gives the adhesive a clean surface to which to adhere. Then put a little E6000 on each piece- in this case, the bottom of the knob and bottom of the glass. Then leave it alone!!! If you break the seal between the two surfaces, you will have to scrape the adhesive off and start all over.

Remember, patience is a virtue ;}
And here they are with my faux-silver embossed eggs!
You can get all the details and see how to make the eggs over on my blog!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 72 comments
  • OhSally OhSally on Jul 10, 2015
    I found the following pieces at Goodwill yesterday...both for under $10. I'm going to look for the right drawer knob for the top. I think it turned out very well! Thanks for the original idea, Caroline!
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    • Caroline Caroline on Jul 10, 2015
      @OhSally Looks great! I'm so glad I could inspire you and thanks for posting your take on the idea!!