I want to buy a paint sprayer to do all my wicker porch furniture

I have a lot of white wicker furniture and every year I go through at least 15 cans of spray paint. I thought it might be easier to use a sprayer, but I have no experience with them. Any suggestions?
  14 answers
  • Shari Shari on Feb 28, 2015
    I have an older version of this Wagner sprayer (link below). I bought it for about $100 at Lowes approximately 8 years ago. I have painted A LOT of furniture with it and I have been extremely pleased with the results I've gotten. It's easy to use and if you are using latex paint, it's easy to clean. One little tip: I found I needed to dilute my primer and paint considerably more than the directions indicate. Start out using the recommended dilution but don't be surprised if you need to add more water (for latex) to get it to run smoothly through the sprayer. Also, before you get ready to paint, test the flow control on an old piece of cardboard or wood before aiming at your project. Sometimes, if the paint is not diluted adequately or the spray control (and spray pattern) isnt adjusted just so, the sprayer will spit and sputter the paint out so test first so you don't mess up your project (although on wicker you won't notice it as much as you would on a smooth flat surface.) http://www.wagnerspraytech.com/products/sprayers/exterior/control-spray-max/
    • Cuisinekathleen.com Cuisinekathleen.com on Feb 28, 2015
      @Shari Thank you so much! I am happy to hear it isn't difficult and easy to clean! I def will give it a try this year!
  • Carole Carole on Feb 28, 2015
    Just to add to make sure you clean your spray gun out and the nozzle thoroughly between coats and drying times. Otherwise the nozzle can clog. Use water for water based paint and mineral turpentine for oil based paint. You might find an oil based paint will last longer outside than water based paints, even though some of them are touted as being suitable for outdoor use. Just my experience.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Mar 01, 2015
    (I have an older Wagner that I use for my fence - if it isn't too windy so the neighbours won't sue me for damage to their vehicles, etc. LOL The nozzle does have to be cleaned thoroughly.) Guess my question is why they need respraying every year. I'm wondering if you primed them first with high adherence primer, and then an outdoor paint if this wouldn't work. You can buy both in spray form. I did the underside of an awning which was getting grubby with Zinzer 1-2-3 spray primer, then topped with a fabric paint. No problems with cracking, peeling, etc. and I live in a hell climate with extremes of hot and cold.
  • Jill Jill on Mar 01, 2015
    Fifteen can? Egads! I wish I had read this before yesterday morning! I have a large set of wicker furniture that is out in my yard. It's the resin kind, so I thought it should have lasted longer, but....It started to look really faded after a few years now and I went down and bought a case (6 cans) of spray paint at home depot. I read the recommendation on the Rustoleum website and they said I should spray three coats on them. It was the paint and primer in one. I think I managed to get two coats on the arm chair, and it still needs a final coat, but I have already used the six cans. That means the settee, end tables, coffee table and the bistro set will take another dozen cans or more? Maybe I should look into a sprayer myself!
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    • Jill Jill on Mar 02, 2015
      @Shari I am going to check out buying one, or asking my brother if he has one I can borrow. If not I am also going to check to see if HomeDepot rents them. They do that with a lot of other tools, so....
  • Hope Williams Hope Williams on Mar 01, 2015
    Check into HomeRight brand. homeright.com.
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    • Cuisinekathleen.com Cuisinekathleen.com on Mar 01, 2015
      Thank you, Hope Williams.
  • Renee Confere Renee Confere on Mar 01, 2015
    Look for a LOCAL cabinet shop , it may be cheaper to take your wicker to them , have them paint , they will also keep the item until it is dry and can be moved
  • Jeff C. Keane Jeff C. Keane on Mar 01, 2015
    Try a spray can trigger-handle. It will save you money and cleanup time. primary reason: saves wear n tear on your pointing finger. : )
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    • Jeff C. Keane Jeff C. Keane on Mar 01, 2015
      oh. ok. I really couldn't tell if you planned to paint wicker on a totally regular basis. Yeah, I would now recommend a sprayer that can handle both enamel AND latex paints. If you have a kirby vacume, and the sprayer accessory you can use that. It works awesome. ; )
  • Mad About Design Mad About Design on Mar 01, 2015
    I have spray-painted a bunch of wicker porch furniture. It is a job, and for two coats, I had to go back to buy more cans more than once. I was afraid I would not do well with a sprayer, so very glad to hear about the Wagner sprayer and advice for use. Next time...
  • Mad About Design Mad About Design on Mar 01, 2015
    Oh, yes, and another comment mentioned the "trigger finger" issue. Painful!
  • Kay Takash Kay Takash on Mar 01, 2015
    When you buy a paint sprayer don't you need to buy an air compressor too. I have been wanting to get one because of all the spray painting I do, however, did not want to go into the expense of the air compressor. Thank you
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    • Jill Jill on Mar 02, 2015
      @Hope Williams Thanks for the reminder! I remember my dad doing that all the time!
  • Debbie Debbie on Mar 04, 2015
    I bought one of the HomeRite ones. Used to paint kitchen cabinets. Worked great. Was less than $100.
  • Pam Garcia Pam Garcia on Mar 09, 2015
    I found painting wicker isn't a problem but now every time we sit on the furniture I get white paint flakes on the floor. I end up sweeping and vacuuming my porch floor constantly. I would never paint the furniture again Any suggestions?
  • Renee Confere Renee Confere on Mar 10, 2015
    Try sealing it , I used deck sealer so far so good,
  • Tmarie63 Tmarie63 on Feb 02, 2016
    I have never regretted the purchase of my Wagner Power Painter Plus, picked it up at Lowes on sale for about $59,00. It has made all the difference! Perfect for wicker furniture, lattice, any medium paint job you have. Best of luck!