Homemade chalk paint

Harriette N
by Harriette N
I am planning on making chalk paint to cover a couple of pieces of furniture I have. My questions is, do I want to always get flat latex paint to make the chalk paint, using the pre made joint compound? Or can I use eggshell or satin, just not sure and haven't seen any reference made to this question. Another thing, I would like to buy a gallon of white latex, whether it be flat or whatever, as it would be less expensive than purchasing a quart at the time, what could I use to add "color" to the white paint for different projects. Some things I want to use a mushroom color on, and something else in a robin's nest blue or even a light jade color. Thank you!!!!
  5 answers
  • Limerickchairlady Limerickchairlady on Mar 02, 2015
    Yes you can use eggshell 3 parts to 1 part plaster of Paris . ( we call it this in Ireland). To colour your paints different colours add tester pots in your preferred colour to the base paint . They all work well on furniture !!! LimerickChairLady
    • Harriette N Harriette N on Mar 02, 2015
      @Limerickchairlady Thank you!!! So I can use this combination with the premade joint compound as well?
  • Gail Gail on Mar 02, 2015
    Hi! It doesn't really matter which sheen your paint has as long as it is water based. I never measure, but use about 4 parts paint to one part joint compound. The premixed is so much easier to use than plaster of Paris. If it is too thick, just thin it with water. I've done my own tinting too. Use the little bottles of acrylic paint that you can get in craft supplies to add to your paint and add the joint compound after you've gotten the color you lik.
  • Katherine Mary Stewart Katherine Mary Stewart on Mar 03, 2015
    Joint compound doesn't work as well, I used plaster of paris and it worked beautifully. Be sure your paint isn't a primer and paint all in one. I use the small jars of the valspar paint that you get from lowes and it works fabulously!!
  • Robin Kinnart Robin Kinnart on Mar 03, 2015
    There are several methods for creating home made chalk paint. One uses Plaster of Paris, water and paint. Others use joint compound. I haven't seen a recipe that uses both. The commend above is a little confusing when she refers to Plaster of Paris. I personally have used the plaster of paris recipe and used all types of paint with good results.
  • Harriette N Harriette N on Mar 03, 2015
    @limerickchairlady, @Gail, @Katherine Mary Stewart, @Robin Kinnart Thanks everyone for helping me with the chalk paint questions!!!! You all are wonderful, thanks again!