Decoupage Bread Basket A La Dollar Tree

I don't bake breads often but when I do I'm always searching for something to put them in a breakfast and dinner time. I recently picked up some baskets and decorative paper napkins from the Dollar Tree and knew immediately what I would make. A decoupage bread basket!
It's really a simple and easy project. All you need is a basket, decorative napkins, white glue, water and sponge . . . all available from the Dollar Tree.

For a complete tutorial go to:
First, separate the white paper backing from the printed side of the napkin. Lay the napkin printed side up on the basket. Wet sponge with water and gently tap the napkin down, filling in all areas of the basket, one side at a time.
Allow to dry. Trim off any excess napkin paper. Once dry, mix one part white glue to 1/4 part water. Apply mixture using sponge over entire napkin and dry. You can seal the basket on the outside with glossy varnish, if you want, but I don't know of a sealant that's food safe.
This method of using water and a sponge to apply the napkin is quick and easy. And I found wrinkles to be at a minimum. Once dry, the glue and water mixture as a decoupage, using a sponge to apply, goes on smoothly, too.
Using this technique there are so many possibilities to decoupage lots of dollar store baskets and decorative napkins for everyday home usage and for special occasions, inexpensively.
Gail@Purple Hues and Me
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