How can I creatively use fabric swatches?

Susan Turner
by Susan Turner
I found upholstery fabric sample books at the thrift store and I bought a bunch of them. They have coordinating swatches which really excited me. I need some ideas on how to use them. I sew, craft, and have a scan n cut.
  12 answers
  • Kcmidnight Kcmidnight on Mar 15, 2015
    If they are big enough you can make pillows or if you have coordinating fabrics you can make a table runner, placemats and maybe some napkins for special events. This is all I could come up with. Good luck with you venture.
  • Deb Deb on Mar 15, 2015
    Can be used for crazy quilt crafts of all kinds...purse, vest, actual pillows or quilts. I have a variety of these fabrics also and have loved coming up with ways to use. Good luck.
  • Matty Holder Matty Holder on Mar 15, 2015
    Place mats, quilts, napkins, curtains, pillows.... depending on the weight --- weaving, garments.... cards...
  • Sue Rindflesch Sue Rindflesch on Mar 15, 2015
    How about trying some "rolled Roses" Layered fabric flowers, for embellishments on crafts? You would be able to utilize varied textures and patterns. How about decoupaging them in random, as a wall hanging picture?
  • Susan Turner Susan Turner on Mar 15, 2015
    Photos of some of the fabrics
    comment photo
    comment photo
  • Marge Marge on Mar 15, 2015
    I have also glued fabric to an empty Baskin Robbins ice cream container and made a waste basket. It just depends on the size of your fabric swatches. Make pin cushions from some. etc. ..
  • Susan Turner Susan Turner on Mar 15, 2015
    I have a plan! Mount the larger swatches to a thin backer board. Cut out letters in coordinating fabric....a group of 3....LOVE....NEVER....FAILS. 1 word per board. Also, LOVE...IS...KIND... ..LOVE IS PATIENT....GOD...IS....LOVE......I could use some ideas for more 3 word quotes
  • Sue Rindflesch Sue Rindflesch on Mar 16, 2015
    Awesome idea!
  • Sue Rindflesch Sue Rindflesch on Mar 16, 2015
    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> rolled fabric flowers you tube
  • Barbara Persiani Barbara Persiani on Mar 17, 2015
    I have made everything from scarves to table runners to stuffed animals. Fabric flowers. I was so crazy I wash and got the glue off so i could use every inch. Let me know if you have any ideas....LOL
  • Barbara Persiani Barbara Persiani on Mar 17, 2015
    Hot water and elbow grease. I am crazy when it comes to wasting fabric. Most of it says dry clean only but that is so not true...I have done from silks to satins...Not the velvet or the suede. I add a drop of liquid soap I don't know why but I feel it helps...LOL ...I put them in a lingerie bag and throw them in the dryer on delicate...Good Luck...Let me know...
  • Barbara Barbara on Mar 18, 2015
    I scored a HUGE box of sample swatches from JoAnns; all were the outdoor & upholstery samples. I have made cushions, bags, curtains, appliance covers etc. Most are a good 12x12 inch; & with so many, it's been fun making 'quilted' type of useful things, mixing/matching the samples! Especially great, is they are durable material, so my outdoor retreat has benefited! I will be making some 'drapes' as well, to define a sitting area. Good luck!