Easter Bunny Gift Bags Made From Mailing Envelopes

Linda B
by Linda B
I have lots of baskets to give to the family kids and I wanted to make something different and cost effective. Then I spied these white quilted mailers. This is very cost effect. I bought a whole pack of these padded white envelopes from Staples.
Here is the mailing envelopes. They are very sturdy and white which is nice for Easter.
I folded in the top edges of the envelope so there is a nice neat top of the basket. I glued them down with hot glue.
The bottom corners need to be tucked in to create a square bottom to the bag so that it can stand on its own.
Here is the square bottom.
Next step is to cut out pretty bunnies and glue them to the front of the bag.
On the girl bags I put bows on the ears and for the boy bags I put a bow tie.
I glued on ribbon handles with the glue gun.
Of course, I filled them with awesome goodies.
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Linda B
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2 of 86 comments
  • 17335038 17335038 on Aug 17, 2022

    This is a smart idea because the bags are strong yet lightweight, and are water resistant, which is practical especially if they are placed on a damp surface.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Aug 17, 2022

    A source of free! paper that can be used for cut outs to paste on the existing shipping labels (if resuing envelopes) is wallpaper sample books of patterns that have been discontinued. Simply ask at retail stores where wallpaper is sold, and they will save a discontinued book for you, or be glad that you are taking it off their hands.

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