Asked on Mar 19, 2015

Laundry room makeover

by Lyn
This is our laundry room that doubles as a craft area/flea market storage room! I would like it to become a laundry/craft room that's actually usable. As of right now, there is no usable space whatsoever. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas?! I want to change the cabinetry and counter top.My machines are on pedestals, which I'm not sure I frees up space but takes up space on top of the machines?! I'm confused about that.
I love the natural light from the simple window (although it's dark right now)
Right now, it's just a boring room that houses our washing machine & dryer. :( Suggestions - please!
  6 answers
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Mar 19, 2015
    I love your chandelier!All your room needs is color.Any color would make your room adorable.Start with the walls.I would try to keep most of it one color,since it is a small room.
  • Moxie Moxie on Mar 19, 2015
    You have a great space to work with and I hope you enjoy whatever you do. If this was my space; I think I would move things around a bit. Since your counter will be for crafting I assume I would move the shelf and put the small upper from above the washer/dryer above the counter to one side in the gap. Then I would make deeper cubbies above the washer/dryer or shelf as appropriate (maybe with slide outs so you can reach all). Perhaps put the shelf on the wall under the counter to give yourself a storage shelf for projects in waiting. For craft rooms - think vertical storage to maximize. I don't know what crafts you do but there are a lot of clever ideas out there to store the supplies on the wall or from the bottom of shelves and customizing the interior space of the cabinets for what you have to store. Open up that window add an amazing rug and comfy craft chair open the studio! Good Luck!
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Mar 19, 2015
    @Lyn you do have a great space to work with and it has great potential for what you want. There are numerous posts on here about redoing a laundry room. I did a search and this is what I found - You can check them out and pick the ideas you like. As for replacing the counter top, it looks in good shape and since this is not a room you will be having people in regularly, I would lean towards leaving it until you use your new space then if you want to spend the money you still can. Other ideas I have seen on here is using old ladders either on the wall or suspended from the ceiling - decorative and great for hanging things that need to air dry. Also a shelf over the entry door - doesn't take any space from your walls but still good storage space. You may also want to search out craft rooms - lots of those posts as well, you can steal some ideas that will work for you. Hope you update with pics. Thanks for posting.
  • Carrie Sams Carrie Sams on Mar 21, 2015
    Lyn, what a neat room. Just looking at it and not knowing the diminsions, it appears that you can utilize some of the space differently. If you are not using your pedestals than I would remove them, make a countertop across the washer and dryer, and then take your shelf that you have on your crafting side and hang it above your counter of your washer and dryer. That would free your craft wall up for peg board, white board, or shelves. I agree with funny girl, color your room a color that makes you happy. Hopefully we see pictures of any changes. Good luck.
  • Lyn Lyn on Mar 22, 2015
    Thank you all!! I will be posting photos later on as things change. I'm searching through colors now. I really like turquoise or something bright, but I'm afraid I'll get sick of it too quickly so now I'm leaning more towards neutral colors. I'm a color chicken.
    • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Mar 22, 2015
      @Lyn you could consider a turquoise wall as an accent wall and the rest neutral, and add some turquoise accents. Looking forward to the pics. Have fun.
  • What a great space, I would paint and add wallpaper and I would add a fabulous curtain to the window, something super charming.