From Lazy Susan To A Productive Item To Use Many Ways!

Ana illausky
by Ana illausky
I found this lazy Susan at one of my favorite thrift stores. It was in good shape and I thought I would give it a redo.
I wanted to change the color so I spray painted it black for my base.
After dry. I painted it with chalk board paint.
To give my lazy Susan a more finish look, I added a stencil using black and white paint II had on hand.After all dry, I took a low grit sanding paper around the sides ang edges to let the layer of black paint show through the clay color chalk paint.
Here is one look for a decorative table setting display.
Here is my lazy Susan as a productive piece in my pantry. It spins around so you do not have to dig from front to back!
Here is Susan doing more double duty under the vanity in the bathroom.
Lets not forget For entertaining! your guess can just spin around without reaching over a guess!
This was so much fun to show you the many uses that Lazy Susan, who is any thing but LAZY!
Ana illausky
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