Asked on Mar 25, 2015

Old fashioned curtain wire?

by Jean
Looking for something from my past! The picture is NOT what I mean (just used for elimination). There used to be heavy plastic-coated wire that you could twist ends around two screws to hang a curtain on a door [with a window] or other surface that you didn't want an entire curtain rod on - it ended up rather flush to the surface. I remember my mother using it (white coating). Does anyone know what it was called? And/or if they still make it? I hope we have some helpful hardware store people reading these posts...they would probably know!
  11 answers
  • RH RH on Mar 25, 2015
    Sorry, no help from me :( My grandparents had 2 hooks with a spring stretched between that grandma hung her front door window curtain from (and let me tell you, if that thing snapped you when you took the curtain down to wash, you KNEW it! lol). Good luck finding what you're looking for, if it's available I'm sure someone here will have info for you!!
    • See 2 previous
    • Ast40743917 Ast40743917 on Mar 16, 2019

      what you describe is exactly what I am looking for--to cover some windows in pick-up bed cab. Guess those springs are ancient history.

  • Lisa McQueen Grondy Lisa McQueen Grondy on Mar 25, 2015
    Plastic coated clothesline wire,should be able to find it ; Walmart ,Lowe's,anywhere they sell clothes pins 👍👍
  • Terikirkwood Terikirkwood on Mar 25, 2015
    Lisa is right. You can purchase clothesline wire just about anywhere.. I usually see the coating in green though...I would also suggest you go to your local Home Depot or Lowes and go to the section where they have giant rolls of different types of wire. Often they sell this stuff by the foot. You will find many different colors, thicknesses, strengths, etc.
  • Accentuations! Accentuations! on Mar 26, 2015
    Actually, most craft stores carry this type of wire in the art section
  • Wendy Wendy on Mar 26, 2015
    Most hardware stores have curtain wire, usually in an a area with curtain rods, clips and pieces
  • Jean Jean on Mar 26, 2015
    Thanks to everyone for the suggestions! And letting me know it's actually called 'curtain wire! I'll go look for it. jh
  • Martha Martha on Mar 27, 2015
    I saw curtain wire on Ikea. I don't know whether it is the kind you want, though.
  • Nancy Nancy on May 20, 2015
    I remember it but not what it was called. An old hardware store in the country may know. I used the type of wire you have showing and wrapped each end thru a washer of what ever size you may need and then hung on cup hooks on an apartment t outdoor patio. I used water resistant shower curtains , not plastic, and could tie back with twine. It helped block sun on hot days. On the lower edge I had zip tied pieces of wood for an even more privacy and actually weather protection on rainy days. That wire was cool to use and cheap. Same thing with I provision could be used indoors.
  • Jean Jean on May 22, 2015
    Thanks, Martha and Nancy! I'll keep looking!
  • DJO DJO on Nov 09, 2019

    What about this sort of end on the spring....circa 1920s?

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