Asked on Mar 25, 2015

Can anyone tell me what kind of plant this is?

Donna N
by Donna N
I bought it today and lucky me, grabbed one without an ID/care tag! The flowers, when open, look a little spiky but are soft. The leaves are thick and resemble a succulent but I don't think it is. Any help would be appreciated!
  18 answers
  • SandraB SandraB on Mar 25, 2015
    I wish I could help so I could get me one. It's lovely! Good Luck :D
    • Donna N Donna N on Mar 25, 2015
      @SandraB Thank you! It is lovely! But I have no idea how to care for it. Keep watch on the answers and maybe we will get an answer!
  • Gretchen Gretchen on Mar 25, 2015
    It't name is ice plant.
  • Elvira Pulido Elvira Pulido on Mar 25, 2015
    I have many of these, someone told me it is a succulent. These grow fast and spread. I'll try to posted some pics of mine. I planted my in a tree truck, you can't even see the truck any more.
  • Olga Rivas Olga Rivas on Mar 25, 2015
    I have to agree, this is a succulent. Here in So.Calif. it grows very well as a ground cover, but it c an get out of control, so watch out. As a hanging plant it can look very pretty as long as it's pinched back so that it doesn't get stringy.
  • Clearissa Coward Clearissa Coward on Mar 25, 2015
    It's pretty. I would love to have a couple in pots on my deck.
  • Lynn Scanlan Lynn Scanlan on Mar 25, 2015
    I can't tell how thick the leaves are but it looks like an "Impatient" to me.
    • Olga Rivas Olga Rivas on Mar 27, 2015
      @Lynn Scanlan It does look like a miniature impatient, however impatients do great in low sun or shaded areas and this little succulent thrives in the full sun and unlike impatients doesn't require much water.
  • Karen B Karen B on Mar 25, 2015
    Yep...........Gretchen is right...........Ice plant
  • Jill Jill on Mar 26, 2015
    No, it's not ice plant, but it is a succulent and a member of the ice plant family. It's call Red Apple (Aptenia Cordifolia), and it's a ground cover. It grows and "crawls" along, roots wherever it can and prefers milder to hotter climates. It does not do well in extreme cold. It will freeze and turn to mush. It can be planted in hanging baskets, and makes a nice house plant, given enough light and mild temperatures.
  • Ruth wallace Ruth wallace on Mar 26, 2015
    Donna it is an ice plant. I have 4 of them. The flower is spikey when open. Google ice plant and you will see. It will also show you how to care for it.
  • Lynnis Burt Lynnis Burt on Mar 26, 2015
    It is the pink variety of the ice plant. Mine just made the winter here on the TX gulf coast for the second winter. They come in yellow, pink and I am not sure but think white too. They are good ground cover or hanging baskets and grow quickly and I cut mine and just stick it in another place or container and it takes off all by itself. A very pretty plant with small blooms but love it on the edge of beds with all my rock borders.
    • See 3 previous
    • Maureen Neurath Maureen Neurath on Mar 26, 2015
      @Donna N We in Tucson AZ use it as a ground cover.. if you have a hard freeze it will wilt but come back....But we really don't get really hard freezes....... besides Hearts and flowers it, I believe it's called a lipstick plant...."MO"
  • Kimberly Saxton Scruggs Kimberly Saxton Scruggs on Mar 26, 2015
    Just take a cutting to your local nursery and have them ID it or take it back to where you bought it (I realize it was the last one) and have them look it up on their inventory.
  • Donna N Donna N on Mar 26, 2015
    Thank you everyone!! I knew I could count on my "Hometalk" family!!
  • Maureen Neurath Maureen Neurath on Mar 26, 2015
    Hearts and flowers you start it by cuttings,,,,,,,
  • Phyllis Phyllis on Mar 26, 2015
    Maureen is right it's hearts and flowers and they make great ground cover I have seen them in orange and pink blooms and they are very popular in Tucson but they can freeze in winter
  • R&B R&B on Mar 26, 2015
    @Donna N:Jill is correct. It is called Aptenia cordifolia.(Google it). It is sometimes called Red Apple or Baby Sun Rose. It is a very invasive "ice plant/succulent" and if planted in a garden will over run and smother other plants. Best to keep it in a container or bordered in rock gardens. It is also pretty in a hanging basket since it trails downward. Needs some water until established but don't overwater or will turn to mush. Needs full sun to light shade.Also will not tolerate a freeze. It is native to hot,dry climates and does well as a drought tolerant plant. These grow like crazy all over Central to Southern California. They grow wild along coasts and do well in sandy soil. You can keep them indoors as long as near a sunny window. It can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. @Maureen and Phyllis: The plant that Donna shows only comes in red. There are many "ice plant" varieties that look similar and come in different colors.
  • R Wilson R Wilson on Mar 26, 2015
    What growing conditions does it like?
  • Tommye1218 Tommye1218 on Mar 28, 2015
    It doesn't match the pictures of ice plant. I think it is a peperomia, a tropical that needs inside care. It is very easy to propagate and makes a pretty hanging basket.
  • Elvira Pulido Elvira Pulido on Mar 28, 2015
    Here are pictures I mentioned I would post Donna N. It's not blooming yet.
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    • Donna N Donna N on Mar 29, 2015
      @Elvira Pulido Your plants are beautiful!! Thx for posting the pictures!!