Help turning these popcorn tins into cute storage

Hannah V
by Hannah V
I have to large popcorn tins from Halloween. I really want to cover and label them for cute storage. One will definitely be for my kitty food with a cute "Kitty Food" stencil on the front.
My main question is what is the best method for covering and then stenciling these? Paint? Decoupage? I hope you crafty gurus can give me some good insight and ideas. Thanks so much for your help! :)
  23 answers
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Mar 26, 2015
    @Carolyn ~ homework @Malia Karlinsky aka crafty gurus -- any ideas?
  • Patti Paints Patti Paints on Mar 26, 2015
    If you’re planning on stenciling them, I would spray paint the tins in a matt color of your choice. You could go back and do a band in black chalk board paint and stencil with white paint pens your words or design of choice...paw prints?
    • Hannah V Hannah V on Mar 26, 2015
      @Patti Paints cute idea! I was actually thinking possibly going the chalkboard paint route since I have a white paint pen on hand. Paw prints would be really cute! Thanks for the insight :)
  • Carolyn ~ homework Carolyn ~ homework on Mar 26, 2015
    @Miriam I @Malia Karlinsky @Hannah V You can use the same method that I used for my compost bin. Paint and stencils create a nice finish and you'll have a great storage bin.
  • Deezie Deezie on Mar 26, 2015
    Love the painting idea with chalk paint. Just seal it well on the outside so the paint doesn't scratch off. I love stenciling things. Have fun with your redo on these cans. They are a nice size.
    • Hannah V Hannah V on Mar 26, 2015
      @Deezie Thanks so much! I also had a wild idea to twine wrap them too. I'll definitely post my project for them when they're done! :D
  • Ashrael Ashrael on Mar 26, 2015
    how about covering in a fabric sleeve, then you can ring the changes with the seasons or as you change your kitchen etc; you could make a little hanging tag to hang from handle; even add a cat shaped knob ornament on top.
  • Deezie Deezie on Mar 27, 2015
    Love the idea of twine around them Hannah, then you can add a little chalk board tag!
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Mar 27, 2015
    Hi Hannah! The only problem with painting those tins with chalkboard or chalk paint is that as you use them, pulling the covers on and off for your kitty food, I think that they will scratch. I think your best bet is the "enamel-ware" treatment from Carolyn at Homework-which are pretty awesome, BTW! With a few coats of spray enamel and a gloss coat for the finish, you should have a nice durable paint finish.
    • Hannah V Hannah V on Mar 27, 2015
      @Sue@CountryDesignHome Very true. I actually ended up using a printed duck tape for that reason! Thanks for you input :)
  • Patty Dulski Patty Dulski on Mar 27, 2015
    I use all the colored duct tapes to do this easy and comes in a variety of colors
  • Ali Ali on Mar 27, 2015
    Spray paint. Use as kids toy bins or as a side table. How about an art bin and the kids use the tub as a seat pushed up to a small table. Put in the back of the car to store bags or car supplies. Snacks for the kids. Items to donate and keep in one place. Use to pot a plant. Keep holiday decorations in.
    • Hannah V Hannah V on Mar 27, 2015
      @Ali All fabulous ideas! Since I don't have kids yet, I love the idea for potting a plant in it!!
  • Ray Phillips Ray Phillips on Mar 27, 2015
    take twine and glue and wrap from bottom to top then a different kind and make letters for kitty food or what ever you want to put in them. you can even paint the twine any clor you want.
  • Theresa Hughes Theresa Hughes on Mar 27, 2015
    How about covering in burlap you could even do embroidery on the burlap first of cats etc
  • Theresa Hughes Theresa Hughes on Mar 27, 2015
    You could also keep one as is and store some of your Halloween decorations or Halloween craft items
  • Sherry Fram Sherry Fram on Mar 27, 2015
    You can use paint, contact paper, burlap, decopage fabric or paper. Personally I would get some spray primer and paint then go to town!! Good luck!
    • Hannah V Hannah V on Mar 27, 2015
      @Sherry Fram Thanks so much! I'll be posting what I did with them soon :)
  • Barb Burnham Barb Burnham on Mar 27, 2015
    I'm thinking spray paint gray light and neutral. Then glue 2 - 2" bands of burlap around leaving the center gap between the band's as large as you can with the top on and some can showing at the bottom. Then tie a chalkboard painted (black) sign (thin wood scrap or something from Michaels) Tied on with jute. Write the name of the contents on the chalkboard so you can change it if you need to. You could glue the twine to the can under the burlap bands. Would be cutie patooti.
    • Hannah V Hannah V on Mar 27, 2015
      @Barb Burnham Wow your idea sounds amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. I'll share what I did soon!
  • Rita Rita on Mar 27, 2015
    Spray paint is the easiest and best ...try spray one color then do paper cutouts and stencil spray over with another color...cut a kitty silouette or dog bone ..whatever suggests the contents...very easy to re-do too!
    • Hannah V Hannah V on Mar 27, 2015
      @Rita What a cute idea! They're food and water bowls have little kitty and fish silhouettes and they're the cutest. I'll share what I did with them soon! :D
  • Rita Rita on Mar 27, 2015
    I do this technique with real leaves,ferns, everywhere....on cement patio for border, on wood cabinet that my garage sink is in...on canvas for outdoor table cloths..outdoor cushions...garage floor...can layer stencil king using a third color,too
  • Kathleen Murphy Kathleen Murphy on Mar 27, 2015
    I have one that I spray painted in oil rubbed bronze. Then I attached 4 vintage drawer knobs to the bottom to use as feet. I use it as a trash can next to my desk, but it could also hold a plant. I used a dark color because I wanted to de-emphasize the embossed doggy design on the popcorn tin.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Mar 27, 2015
    Love them as they are! And pretty well-labelled! Trick for food, Treat for treats!
  • Darla DeMorrow Darla DeMorrow on Mar 27, 2015
    I had some candy boxes, a little smaller than these, and wanted to do a paint chip project with them. You could paint your tins a base color, then add paint chips in a design that you like, either just on lid as I did, or all over. Here's what I came up with. Hope you have fun with it.
    • Hannah V Hannah V on Mar 27, 2015
      @Darla DeMorrow Wow that is awesome! I like paint chip projects :) Thanks for sharing!
  • Shelley Shelley on Mar 27, 2015
    I have been looking for a small table to sit on my tiny front porch. I was in an antique store the other day and saw an old popcorn tin. It gave me an idea to use a tin with old advertisement on it as the table for the porch. You could get wire hangers and bend then to make a stand for the tin to sit on. Since this is a Halloween theme, you could sit them out and sit a witch or black cat on top, or just fill it with candy (I would fill it half full of paper or something, then add candy.
  • Theresa Hughes Theresa Hughes on Mar 28, 2015
    You could also use them as a planter for fall flowers or part of your outdoor Halloween display if you leave them as is or turn them into anything else you like as a planter as well
  • Patty Dulski Patty Dulski on Jul 29, 2016
    I have trouble with that sorry but you can find colored or just regular even, I ,make planters from coffee containers
  • Patty Dulski Patty Dulski on Aug 04, 2016
    Im sorry I stink at computers