Tea Time, It's Spring!

Vicki Rogers
by Vicki Rogers
It's tea party time again! I was looking for something completely different in my photos and came across the tea party I gave my granddaughter back in 2010. I'd forgotten how much fun this was to make all the decoration and how much fun we all had. I think every little girl should have a tea party soiree at least once.
I wish I could remember exactly how I made these. I just remember poster board, felt and I used the pipe cover you can buy to keep you pipes from freezing, for their arms and legs.
I found this free paper cake pattern online, but don't remember where. These party favor boxes were fun, but time consuming to make. Worth it though.
We had to do the crazy lawn game from the movie of course!
Food, food and more food!
I love cooking for something special, everyday cooking not so much. Lol!
Crazy decorations!
Even crazier decorations, movie inspired.
I needed a giant mushroom, and the portable heater wasn't being used any longer for the season, so it became the giant mushroom. I remember using that Styrofoam stuff that comes in a can and a lot of paint, paper bowls, paper towel rolls and wish I could remember how I did the caterpillar. I saved paper towel and toilet rolls for weeks. Too funny!
The girls eyes about popped out of their heads when they'd come through the gate.
We drug up every old chair we could find.
Upside down bowls with stick on spots on top of little cheese crocks ( the ones you can get from hickory farms) became mushrooms.
More bowl mushrooms and decorations.
Loving family and friends.
I hope you enjoyed my little tea party tour, This was so much fun doing this post remembering this wonderful memory!
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4 of 16 comments
  • Cindy Cindy on Mar 27, 2015
    It sounds like a grandma special tea party! It is so sweet, I just wish I would of been invited LOL You really did a great JOB! It all was done up so well. Thanks for sharing your special tea party :)
    • Vicki Rogers Vicki Rogers on Mar 28, 2015
      @Cindy Thanks you so much! It's fun to stroll down memory lane once in awhile, so happy you enjoyed it.
  • Lori H Lori H on Mar 27, 2015
    You did an awesome job...reminds me of a party I did for my niece, only Harry Potter themed. A lot of work, but well worth it. I also did a dragon party for her brother, complete with a special effects dragon cake. See photos
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    • Vicki Rogers Vicki Rogers on Mar 28, 2015
      @Lori H Lori, WOOOOOOW, girl after my own heart! This was amazing, couldn't pick a favorite thing. I loved it all!