Asked on Apr 10, 2015

Help me identify this plant

This plant came from an old flower bed at my sisters. We dug them up when they were small. She thought she had lillies in that bed. But this doesn't look like anything I've ever seen. Help...
  26 answers
  • Diana Soderlund Diana Soderlund on Apr 10, 2015
    Have those too. They grow like weeds Never planted them
  • Bra389117 Bra389117 on Apr 10, 2015
    May be crap grass --very aggressive.
  • Darla Reed Darla Reed on Apr 10, 2015
    They are day lilies or tiger lillies. Will flower later spring to mid summer.
  • Karen Karen on Apr 11, 2015
    I agree with Miss Darla. Plant in full sun.
  • Mary Mary on Apr 11, 2015
    I agree with Darla; looks like lilies; do they ever bloom? I had a zillion of them and wanted to get rid of them. After digging FOREVER, this is the third year and I STILL have a few that evaded the shovel. RoundUP is in my future for these things!
    • See 2 previous
    • Eve Alaxanian Eve Alaxanian on Aug 26, 2023

      Mine just did

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  • Anne Anne on Apr 11, 2015
    I think it's a Bokhara Iris. It looks like a corn stalk and blooms with flowers that are yellow with darker markings on the sides. It blooms in April and is about 18" tall. Sound right?
  • Correna Ingraham Correna Ingraham on Apr 11, 2015
    I have these in different places, they seem to be tiger lilies, but some of them are in the shade and they look like this all summer, they don't flower in the shade but they do in the sun. Very invasive as well. I leave them in the shade because they are growing over the side of an embankment, so doesn't bother me.
  • Terrie Neudorf Terrie Neudorf on Apr 11, 2015
    These are not lilies of any kind . I have 4 verieties and the leaves are all flat and turn sideways . Not at all like these . But corn stalks look like this . I'll google it and come back .
  • Lindcurt Lindcurt on Apr 11, 2015
    Is it possibly a variety of garlic. That may be why it is so invasive. Break off a leaf and take a good sniff. That will give you the answer. If it smells like garlic - dig, dig, dig. Do not allow it to "go to seed". It will invade any where the seeds get dropped.
  • Linda Linda on Apr 11, 2015
    Could it be Trillium? They are pretty when they bloom.
  • Mtrevino Mtrevino on Apr 11, 2015
    I have some that are tiger lilies that look like those leaves. They bloom like late April and I have them in the shade.
  • MKay MKay on Apr 11, 2015
    I have these pop up every so often. They look like corn, but they're not. I've let them grow before and they just get taller. They don't get any flower on them. So I figured it's some kind of weed.
  • MaryAnn B MaryAnn B on Apr 11, 2015
    I'll say that they are daylilies. They should send up a flower scape (stem) with have many buds. Each bud will bloom on a different day.
  • Mary Mary on Apr 11, 2015
    In the 29 years we've been here, it's not bragging to say I bet I've supplied every neighbor within 2-3 miles of our ranch. Those lilies take over and encroach in areas I don't want them. So I dig them up and start knocking on doors; I've even thrown them in ditches along the road and the silly things live without being planted!
  • MaryAnn B MaryAnn B on Apr 12, 2015
    Mary I'm going to disagree with you. I too grow over 200 daylilies and have an AHS display Garden. I've enclosed pics of some of mine today. After they bloom I guess we'll know :-) I would guess these are ditch lilies.
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  • Lindcurt Lindcurt on Apr 13, 2015
    I saw this picture a few days ago then saw some very similar plants at my Mom's. Her's are planted on the west side of the garage and get all the sun God can give them. Every year they bloom a beautiful orange" Lily like" blossom on a 30" stem. They bloom in June for about a month. They are more invasive than any day lily I've ever had. Mom said they came from the farm place that Grandpa lived at for 50 years.
  • Rossa D Rossa D on Apr 16, 2015
    They appear to be day lilies a variety that commonly has an overgrowth if not contained. Blossoms are usually yellow .
  • Cynthia Lesh Cynthia Lesh on Aug 20, 2015
    to me it looks like a ginger plant
  • Dana Liggins Dana Liggins on Jul 16, 2017

    Is this the same plant

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  • Dana Liggins Dana Liggins on Jul 16, 2017

    This grew in my back yard 3wks ago. It grew very fast but the birds are eating top part. I have no idea what this is

  • Jennifer Jennifer on Jun 12, 2018

    They are actually called Corn lilies. They do grow wild and bloom in a variety of colors. And they are poisonous, so handle with care.

  • Heather Harvey Marshall Heather Harvey Marshall on Aug 20, 2019

    These are daylillies. I have hundreds, maybe thousands. I’ve grown them for 20 years. My neighbor and I dug some up in the woods in February (20 years ago) when they were only an inch tall. (That’s the easiest time to dig them) I planted several in my yard. And they multiplied like crazy. So I dug some of mine up and planted them in my mother’s yard. And then later dug some of hers up and planted them at our new house. And then....well they multiply exponentially and are beautiful. I’ve shared many with neighbors, friends and family. They send out a root system underground and then send up new plants in early spring. Mine are indigenous to the area I live in the North Georgia Mountains. Mine are the native orange. I hope this helps! Happy gardening :)

  • Barbara Barbara on Jul 15, 2020

    I have one I got it from a friend in Florida it took a couple of years but it blooms a crazy looking stem comes from the bottom of plant is the prettiest dark and light pink has like 6 to 12 flowers that bloom one after the other. I live in Indiana it looks like corn but isn't doesn't grow very fast. I keep mine indoors in the winter cause I don't know if it would live through the winter. I have all kinds of Lily's also the flowers look like them .started with one this is it after about 6 years The stem laying down is what is left of the flower

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  • Eve Alaxanian Eve Alaxanian on Aug 26, 2023

    Mine just bloomed it is beautiful looks like lily's. This page will not let a pic in with my ans

  • They are some type of lily.