May 19, 2011

by Ada54214

Q: We got our plans back and love them! Now we're ready to lay sod, but aren't sure what kind of grass to ask for. -Don't Know in Dallas
A: Dear Don't Know,
Because you live in the Big D, a warm season grass is going to be best. In matter of fact, warm season grasses are usually best for most of the South. They include zoysia, St. Augustine, centepede, and various Bermudas. Cool season grasses, which thrive where summers don't require a full-tilt air include fescues, bentgrass (a fav for putting greens), bluegrass (think Kentucky) and ryes.
My personal new favorite is EMPIRE zoysia. This warm-season grass has dark green color, a soft, bare-foot friendly texture, is cinch-bug resistant, and get this: is SLOW GROWING, so you have to mow less.
Learn more at:
Though EMPIRE Zoysia is drought tolerant, it needs regular water during its first year and should be watered several times a week once laid. After two weeks, gently lift a corner to see if there are white roots forming on the underside of the slab – there should be. That means your grass is well on the way to establishing itself. Dallas summers can be brutal – watering is a must. Once it's hard to pull up an edge, you may reduce water to twice a week, but water slow and deep. You want to train the roots to go as far down into the soil as possible to prepare them for a drought situation. By fall, you should be watering only once a week – IF YOU NEED IT. There's no need to water if it's been raining. An irrigation rain sensor will do this job for you.

Your friend in gardening,
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 1 comment
  • Imagery Imagery on Sep 28, 2011
    That is great! A very complete rundown for those down in the Dallas area...I'm nowhere near Dallas, but I appreciate the info, and how well written this is!