Best way to get rid of carpenter ants?

Jen R
by Jen R
We have carpenter ants. I have found their nest. I've done some research online and curious if anyone has any feedback for a tried and true remedy. Have you had success with a commercial product? I've read that food grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) works as a natural remedy. Have you tried it? Is this one of the tasks that really needs to be left to the experts (exterminators)? We previously had some dead wood in our backyard, and we've cleaned all that up. We also had some drainage issues and we've cleaned/remedied that as well. Now I'm left with the ants! I have found them entering the cider blocks in the corner of our home and I'd like to remove them ASAP. We try to leave cleanly and in the perfect world, the most natural remedy is my preferred method.
  6 answers
  • Capernius Capernius on Apr 20, 2015
    Diatomaceous Earth (DE) or powdered boric acid & sugar are the best & safest ways to get rid of them. If you can, pour the DE directly on the nest...if you can not do that see if you can pour it (the DE) in a circle around the nest. this way they will get it on themselves no matter which direction they exit the nest from.
  • Pamela Pamela on Apr 21, 2015
    Powdered Boric Acid and sugar-- hmmmm--- I will definitely put that to use
  • Paula Cameron-Simoncini Paula Cameron-Simoncini on Apr 21, 2015
    I had same problem last summer. They even crawled up to eaves of our home. You could even hear them chewing wood. NOT GOOD. I recomment you call professionals before it gets even worse. They hit every surface on house and ground. I used Terminex and they were great.
  • Gayle Albin Gayle Albin on Jul 09, 2015
    Try dry corn meal surrounding the nest. I have tried it with other ants. They don't seem to be able to digest it and will even take it to the queen.
  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jul 09, 2015
    I suggest you use ant nematodes on your grass/garden near your house (keep the insecticide away from it). I couldn't get an exterminator out since I didn't know where the nest was, but you do, so you could and probably should call them, especially if there are many. I found a few tiny holes in my brick mortar and plugged them. I used DE in my outlets and any crevices, and sprayed behind my stove and fridge. In the past, I used bait and fought with them all summer. This year, I sprayed the scouts with vinegar, lemon juice and dishsoap, and I have kept them at bay (knock on wood). Just cleaning your floor and counters with vinegar or bleach does NOT work more than an hour or so. You have to watch, because if there is a nest in the house, and they feel threatened, they disperse and build satellite nests...exterminators can help to avoid that.
  • Meburke Meburke on Sep 21, 2015
    I had a mound I n backyard. I used Morton salt( NaCl) under .79cents..non toxic.SAFE... the ONLY CONCERN IS PETS.I DON't let our dog there,but sugar draws bees in? & the salt shards segment the bodies of the ants like diatenacious earth( made from sea shells also safe but costly$$) SALT worked for me.remove wet,dead wood first..repeat after rain storms cheap enough to do so...ants will move keep up w the salt ..some plants may react? Change the PH of the water/ soil that feeds them ..