DIY Magnetic Knife Holder With a Vintage Ruler

3 Materials
I've seen posts about creating your own magnetic knife rack, but I decided to use something a little different for my knife holder. I also figured out a couple of tricks along the way that made this project a success!
I found this massive ruler in the corner of a garage at an estate sale. $1.00? I'll take it! It was painful to cut it, but I have a couple of other projects planned for the rest of the 4 foot ruler, so I think I'm happy with my decision.
Instead of sitting in the corner of a garage, it's now a unique, and functional addition to our kitchen.
1/2" by 1/8" thick neodymium magnets worked perfectly for this project, but boy are they strong.
I drilled holes with a 1/2" forstner bit, and the magnets fit in perfectly. I just continued to drill holes across the entire back, making sure to drill close to the thicknesses of the wood, but not through it.
As I added new magnets to the empty holes, I made sure to cover up the magnets that were already in place. If not, those magnets just wanted to jump right out of their little holes.
Those knives at the back are pretty heavy, but with the amount and type of magnets I used, it's strong enough to hold them!
Check out the full post on the blog!
Jenny @ Refresh Living
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 7 questions
  • Linda Lim Linda Lim on May 08, 2018

    How did you cover (or what did u use) to the individual magnets to prevent them from "jumping" up from their holes to the neighboring magnets?

  • Adele Kurtz Adele Kurtz on May 08, 2018

    You say you "added" magnets, but I missed HOW. Glue? What kind? If just inserted in the holes, won't they eventually pop out?

  • Nancy Ellis Nancy Ellis on May 17, 2018

    What brand of kitchen knivesare those?

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2 of 73 comments
  • C C on May 14, 2019

    Best looking knife holder I’ve ever seen

  • Karen E Fleischer Karen E Fleischer on Jul 17, 2019

    I love the idea, but I agree you do need to add to your materials list.:

    1 - The drill

    2 - the type & size of drill bit

    3 - the type of sealant or glue to keep the magnets in place
