Any idea what these are?

by PLee
Found these while going through my Mom's stuff. They are well crafted and extremely smooth. Size: 13 X 9 1/2 inches. My first thought is part of a loom but I don't recall her ever weaving.
  13 answers
  • Clara Akin-Brown Clara Akin-Brown on Apr 26, 2015
    Do they have a groove around the inside of the frame to maybe hold a mirror?
  • PLee PLee on Apr 26, 2015
    No, no groove. They are completely smooth. The way the wood is put together is almost like a biscuit joint.
  • Kristine Lynch Kristine Lynch on Apr 26, 2015
    I have no idea what they are, but I would be using them as a paper making template :D It will be interesting to see what they really are .
  • Lanette Hildebrandt Lanette Hildebrandt on Apr 27, 2015
    Look like mirror frames for old dressor. They were mounted on top of dressers and could be tilted for better view.
  • Lanette Hildebrandt Lanette Hildebrandt on Apr 27, 2015
    Look like mirror frames for old dressor. They were mounted on top of dressers and could be tilted for better view.
  • Gladys Gladys on Apr 27, 2015
    Are there any hooks on the back, or holes anywhere on them?
  • Roslyn Roslyn on Apr 27, 2015
    Maybe they were clamped together to hold fabric tight while doing embroidery or other needlework.
  • Judy Judy on Apr 27, 2015
    Needlework frames maybe? Did your mom do needlework?
  • Maureen Williamson Maureen Williamson on Apr 28, 2015
    I "vaguely" remember old chalkboards that used to have a frame kind of like this. I mean, old-time. Also, with the way they have little "wings" on them, maybe they held photos of some kind and you used the wings to flip through them?
  • Sheila D Sheila D on Jun 09, 2015
    1. Do the handles line up when placed one on the other; 2. are the "handles" flat or curved 3. Are there any grooves or ridges on back or inner rims-maybe to insert something as a backing. Wonder if there might have been others to hand or stand like jigsaw puzzle pieces.Maybe and antique dealer might have and idea.. Keep us updated if you find out what they are
  • PLee PLee on Jun 10, 2015
    Finally figured it out. For years Mom used a wicker trunk as a coffee table. She kept a handcrafted tray on top to protect the wicker. What I thought were handles on the tray were slots that these two wooden things fit into. The maker used no nails in making this - that's why they looked so familiar - he used a 'biscuit' to join the pieces.
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  • Roslyn Roslyn on Jun 11, 2015
    Cool! Thanks for letting us know!
  • Sheila D Sheila D on Jun 11, 2015
    Thanks for the history lesson and great to see real craftsmanship. Have fun coming up with a clever new re-purposed craft. Let us know what you will do with them.