
Juli Albright
by Juli Albright
My Grandma used this for flour. It has a wood top, wood bottom and a steel band around the outside of the bottom. The major portion of it is pressed cardboard. I would love to be able to utilize it somehow, right now it's not nice looking and it's just sitting in a corner. ANY ideas would be appreciated!! Thank you!
  9 answers
  • Juli Albright Juli Albright on May 03, 2015
    It's sitting in a chair for size reference.
  • Lucy Nunn Lucy Nunn on May 03, 2015
    My immediate thought is a little table. Is it tall enough? What about if you put little casters on the bottom? Then I wonder what your decorating style is....If it were it were me, I'd consider painting it a pale color (ice blue? cream?) with a high gloss paint. Then get a graphic I love from the Graphic Fairy, and make a water decal. She has some beautiful French-y looking vintage graphics.
    comment photo
  • Juli Albright Juli Albright on May 03, 2015
    Love the decal idea!
  • Lee Cunningham Green Lee Cunningham Green on May 03, 2015
    I would decoupge it using things your grandmother liked as a bit of a pleasant memory, if she liked roses for example. Modge- Podge and magazines and make it a sort of memory canister for someone you loved.
  • PainterNoni PainterNoni on May 04, 2015
    If it fits your decor.............use Modern master reactive paint..........
    • Juli Albright Juli Albright on May 04, 2015
      @PainterNoni why do say this kind of paint? I looked it up and it looks like a metalic paint. Could I paint it to make it look metal this way?
  • Valerie Valerie on May 04, 2015
    I also love Lucy Nunn's idea. I would think of using it for laundry or storing pet food.
    • Lucy Nunn Lucy Nunn on May 04, 2015
      @Valerie Good ideas. My brain went blank about stuff to store in it.
  • Lindcurt Lindcurt on May 04, 2015
    Many of the premium pet foods have a lot of oil in them and may stain the cardboard. I'd probably use it for an end table. Find some cute little wooden feet and then decoupage' family photos - especially one's of Grandma - on the outside. Cut a piece of glass for the top so the wood does not warp and stain from the moisture off of beverage glasses. Great place to hide those magazines that you never seem to get read. Or seasonal storage for comforts and throws that you do not need in summer.
  • PainterNoni PainterNoni on May 04, 2015
    I discovered this paint either thru Hometalk or is sooooooo cool............can make it look like old rust.........or copper with blue or green patina........have only used it on a few small things.......but it looks great, and is very, very fun......and a little goes a long way
  • Cathey DeRosa Cathey DeRosa on May 05, 2015
    I liked the decoupage idea and I would use it for a couch/chair side table with a small lamp and maybe plant on it. YES! and store something inside it. Store yarn, material, something from your crafts or little things you have no where else to put, but you want to keep them. It's a beautiful piece and I am such a sucker for anything from my heritage. I can't wait to see what you decide to do.