
by Carmen
Moved to Florida from Illinois and need some ideas on making these two pieces more "tropical".
  7 answers
  • Grady Grady on May 05, 2015
    Try using certain paint colors. That would make them more vibrant.
  • Ronda Dykes Ronda Dykes on May 05, 2015
    Congrats on your move! We moved back to the Midwest after 12 years in Central Florida. My health could no longer take the sweltering heat and humidity 9 months of the year. They are lovely pieces. I would definitely reupholster them. There are many beautiful upholstery fabrics available. I love Tommy Bahama's upholstery fabrics. They are classy and not Florida tacky. You might have a tough time choosing! Whether or not to paint the wood will depend on which direction you take with the fabric. With a neutral color fabric, I would definitely leave the wood as is. However, if I went with a fabric containing brighter colors -- yellows, blues, orange -- I would probably consider using a light color chalk paint on the wood. Good luck and please post pictures when you are finished with your project!!
    • See 1 previous
    • John-Cathy Stirewalt John-Cathy Stirewalt on May 11, 2015
      Love Olathe, still have family there. I raised my kids in Spring Hill Ks.
  • Ronda Dykes Ronda Dykes on May 05, 2015
    The nice thing is that your pieces are not very large, so you may get lucky and find the perfect fabric as a remnant! There was an upholstery fabric store near Orlando called Boca Bargoons. They also have a store in Fort Myers. They have a fantastic selection and I found their prices to be reasonable when I shopped there. I don't know if they carry Tommy Bahama fabrics. Check them out.
  • Susan Sheffield Susan Sheffield on May 05, 2015
    I agree with Ronda. I sometimes refurbish old furniture for my shop. I found a nice white wash finish tends to go with the beach theme for my customers. If you like the weathered look, you may want to consider a random crackle finish by simply applying Elmer's glue randomly before painting. There are many how-to videos on Youtube. Nice tropical fabric to finish it. Beautiful pieces you have. Good luck & enjoy your new home in Florida.
  • CK CK on May 05, 2015
    I'd pick a tropical inspired fabric that you truly love, then paint the frames in a color pulled from the fabric. For example...If you used this Tommy Bahama fabric you could use pale blue on the frames. Distress a little if you like or keep it crisp and new looking. BTW, check for incredible savings on great fabrics.
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  • Maggie Misenar Maggie Misenar on May 06, 2015
    DO NOT PAINT THE WOOD, please? Reupholster in sea foam green, Aqua, mint green.....maybe a print of palm trees, shells, sky effect, but, NOT FISH! Lol
    • Carmen Carmen on May 06, 2015
      Lol! My daughter said the same thing she said " Ma you're not going to paint that nice wood are you?" I really like the pattern Connie sent and thought how nice it would like against the dark wood of the chair. And no, no fish!Lol
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on May 07, 2015
    I agree with the no-paint folks on this one. But make sure you find some fabric that is tropical without being "cute-sy". The one that Connie suggested would be perfect- gives it that West Indies look.