Asked on May 09, 2015

What is this tree?

Judith Lay
by Judith Lay
This started out as a scraggly bush in the center of a flower bed at our newly purchased home. Now it is about 6 feet tall, and there are around six others growing there! It has this flat branch, but when you turn the branch you see that it's actually a bark-like edge on each side of a small center stem. It has never had blooms or flowers. The branches are sooooo distinctive; surely someone can identify it!
This shows the branches from the flat side.
Here you can see the bark-like edge of the branch.
  10 answers
  • Carolyn rogers Carolyn rogers on May 10, 2015
    Looks like a winged Elm to me
  • Cheryl Gough Cheryl Gough on May 10, 2015
    Burning bush (eunymous). The leaves will turn red in the fall before dropping off.
  • Patti @Hearth and Vine Patti @Hearth and Vine on May 10, 2015
    I agree it looks like Burning Bush but it usually gets tiny white flowers this time of year. It is also a big self seeder and considered invasive in some states. I inherited a couple from the previous owner at my home and we have to cut them back aggressively as they get really tall.
  • Edie Barlow Edie Barlow on May 10, 2015
    burning bush i have them
  • Patriciamaxwell69 Patriciamaxwell69 on May 10, 2015
    I agree with Carolyn Rogers that it appears to be an elm. It will grow into a medium-size tree and have small flowers and seeds. Take it out immediately if you don't want a tree there.
  • Jhunt10 Jhunt10 on May 10, 2015
    It's a Winged Elm and they are fast growers and drop seeds everywhere. I have a cousin of the Winged Elm, the Drake Elm & it's prolific too!
    comment photo
  • Mimi Haywood Mimi Haywood on May 10, 2015
    Those are Elm leaves, and if they are anything like Chinese Elm are usually considered to be a messy tree to have around and will reseed prolifically.
  • Mary Vono Mary Vono on May 12, 2015
    Here in Massachusetts the Burning Bush is considered invasive, you can't purchase it and it is not native to this area. They are beautiful in the fall.
  • Greta Cunningham Greta Cunningham on May 12, 2015
    Burning bush euyos. Low ph turns red in the fall do not run for a couple of tears
  • Greta Cunningham Greta Cunningham on May 12, 2015
    That's do not prune for a couple year