Homemade Chemical Free Mosquito Repelling Bracelet

by Mom4Real
I'm definitely not a fan of mosquitos, but even less of a fan of chemical filled bug sprays. We have tons of mosquitos around during the summer, and I just couldn't imagine breathing in bug spray this summer...plus, it's awful for our kiddos! This year, I decided to make my own mosquito repelling bracelets, and they work soooo well!
You just need a couple of things. I started with leather cording from Michaels and added a cute anchor charm to mine. You can totally leave the charm out, especially for the guys!
Cute, right?
I wrapped the cording around my wrist pretty loosely and tied it in a double knot. The leather is a bit stretchy, so you should be able to pull it on and off of your hand. To keep the mosquitos coming for you, simply add a few drops of Citronella essential oils in a few different spots. The raw leather will absorb the oil, and the mosquitos will avoid you!
Pair it with another cute bracelet and nobody will even know you have on a bug repelling bracelet...they'll just think you are super trendy and into the whole new leather bracelet trend ;) To see the full instructions and tons more bug repelling, killing and natural cleaning tips and tricks, click the link below!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  2 questions
  • V_walters V_walters on Apr 26, 2016
    What id turps and where can you buy it?
  • June June on Aug 11, 2020

    Deet is cancerous. It should be banned but it's not.

    Just wondering what I can use instead of leather. I don't wear animal products. Any ideas??

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4 of 213 comments
  • 17335038 17335038 on Aug 08, 2020

    How resistant a person is to mosquito bites depends largely on their individual immune system. For some folks, no amount of various 'mosquito deterrents' will prevent them from getting bitten and reacting negatively, such as swelling or severe itching.

    For these individuals, only spray containing a high concentration of Deet will effectively repel the mosquitos.

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    • See 1 previous
    • Darlene SuttonBey Darlene SuttonBey on Sep 06, 2021

      If your blood type is o- they love you too

  • Karen Hyde Karen Hyde on Apr 18, 2021

    How large is the area of coverage? I've used the plastic ones and put one on each wrist and both ankles to be on the safe side.
