Asked on May 18, 2015

Painting Kitchen Cabinets

To paint or not to paint? That is the question. :) So I'm really struggling with (as I'm sure you've heard me say) whether to paint my kitchen cabinets or not. Before we moved into our home I was going to paint all of the woodwork and cabinets white. No questions. Then family members and my husband have encouraged me to live with it for a while before I make any drastic changes. I also think about how Nicole Curtis never paints wood and keeps it original. And she's from Minneapolis too! (My home is not nearly as old though as the homes she works on though....)
I don't feel like white cabinets will go out of style. Case in mom painted her cabinets white 18 years ago and it's still in style. I just love the look that white cabinets bring to a kitchen, it's crisp, clean and helps brighten up a room.
Here is one photo that I love and has similar granite counters as I do. What do you think I should do? Keep as is or paint it white? For more on this blog post and more pictures please check out my blog.
  10 answers
  • Hannah V Hannah V on May 19, 2015
    Do itttt! The white will be stunning.
  • Traci Smith Carter Traci Smith Carter on May 19, 2015
    I painted over our contractor-grade oak cabinets several years ago and have never regretted it!
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  • Shari Shari on May 19, 2015
    If you like white kitchens, you should do it. I seriously doubt you will regret it for one second. In fact, you will probably wonder why you waited so long. Plus, after it's done, I can also almost guarantee the friends and family members who encouraged you to wait will admit it looks better painted. Okay, so now stop struggling over this decision and go get busy painting, pronto! :)
  • Refashionably Late Refashionably Late on May 19, 2015
    I so want to! My husband on the other hand not so much! :(
    • See 1 previous
    • Refashionably Late Refashionably Late on May 20, 2015
      @Shari You are hilarious! I love it and I think I have convinced him to do it! I was talking about how many comments I have gotten about how i should do it. Then he said that I should wait until winter so it's a good project for winter! :) Thanks for you advice and love your photos! Your kitchen looks amazing!
  • CK CK on May 21, 2015
    There will always be naysayers when you want to paint wood. We painted the cabinets in our former kitchen white and never were sorry....even though my mom thought I was certifiably crazy! LOL! Does your gut say "I LOVE white cabinets in kitchens!" ? Then go for it! Just make sure you pick the right white. Whites are tricky. Get color chips, bring them home, view in various light conditions and at several different times in the day, and then choose your white. Do NOT choose any color at the store....the lighting is never what your home has. Lighting makes a huge difference. Also, when deciding on your white, make sure you'll view it with the type of light bulbs you plan to keep using. Example: some bulbs give a yellow tint, others a blueish tint, etc. Pick a color that works with your countertops. You can always change the wall color too if you need to. I'm in ND and wood (especially oak) seems to have some sort of "holiness" to it. I'm not against oak per se but I'm very tired of the stain color (like yours) that builders continue to use around here even on brand new builds! This is what I tell my clients when they want to stretch out beyond what the "norm" is: "YOU are going to live here. Not your relatives or friends. Do what YOU love." :-)
    • Refashionably Late Refashionably Late on May 22, 2015
      @CK I love this! Thanks Connie! What great advice! I'm pretty sure it's going to happen and thanks for the tips when choosing the right color of white!
  • Mimi Ka-rick Mimi Ka-rick on May 22, 2015
    We painted our oak as well and it turned out beautiful. We did a very light greyish color to match our blue walls and stainless steel backsplash. We found that the Valspar primer eliminated the need for sanding. Although sanding is required for areas close to the sink and stove areas as the wood did have some staining there. I do recommend that you Google or whichever browser you like to use to find out how to cover the heavy grains you have on your wood cabinets. Our oak cabinets had some grains but not as grainy as what you have. Have fun and I am sure all of us can't wait to see your 'new' kitchen.
  • Jackie Huston Jackie Huston on May 23, 2015
    It took me 5 years to convince my husband to paint our cabinets white lol but he loves them now! Paint them! :)
  • PainterNoni PainterNoni on May 23, 2015
    White cabinets are rather like white houses: although they will not always be "in style", they will never truly be out of style
  • Leslie Leslie on May 23, 2015
    Even Nicole Curtis would paint these cabinets. They will look great when you're done!
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Nov 27, 2015
    I do not like white cabinets with white walls...But as to painting those cabinets and Nicole..the cabinets she does not like to paint are the antiques. Your's looks like mine..not antique, paint them. I personally do not like all that white..I like color. I have new oak cabinets and I know in a few years I will paint them...not white, maybe a cream...There are so many shades of white..and Pure white is the harshest one. It will get dingy quickly. But its your kitchen..and I say paint away. But think about something besides white on the walls.