Need help removing battens from cement fiberboard siding

Marian D
by Marian D
Last year I started to build a shed. What should have been a simple and enjoyable project has turned into a complete nightmare. I am in the home stretch and found a wonderful guy to help me finish the project and everything was going okay until yesterday. He proudly called me out to check out the shed after he added the battens and my initial joy turned to heartache as I turned the corner. The battens are not spaced correctly and I am sure for some this is not the end of the world but I have been through too much to turn that corner everyday and see this blaring mistake. He is a hardworking super nice guy so I nicely pointed out the problem and told him that I would figure something out. I think if I pry the nails out from the top of the batten I might not end up destroying the siding underneath and I wanted to see if anyone out there had any suggestions or experience with this?
  5 answers
  • Connie Mar Connie Mar on May 20, 2015
    Can you please provide a picture? Would help to see the problem.
  • Marian D Marian D on May 20, 2015
    Here is the photo but my problems just got a lot worse. I just discovered a before the batten photo and the seams are not even close to being symmetrical so I either have to live with it this way which will likely bother me forever or spent hundreds more taking it down to the sheathing.
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  • Marian D Marian D on May 20, 2015
    Here is the before battens photo and I am trying to figure out why I didn't notice this obvious problem before? I blame my incredibly talented dearly departed ex husband - his attention to detail was 2nd to none and I still complained - Anthony I know you are looking down and laughing your ass off!
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  • Marian D Marian D on May 20, 2015
    In the before the batten photo you can see that I completely missed the problem early on. The siding was not properly spaced - this guy said he is just learning about aesthetics so this is a lesson for both of us. I blame my dearly departed ex husband for this debacle. His attention to detail was 2nd to none yet I still managed to complain. He is probably looking down getting a good chuckle. Miss you more than you know Anthony!
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  • Susan E Susan E on May 23, 2015
    You can remove the battens with a pry bar, like you would use to remove baseboards. Put a scrap of wood under the curve where it might dent the siding and pry gently. I am assuming those are nails in the battens and not screws...fill any imperfections with spackle/wood putty, and paint. My sister is a perfectionist like you. I would have just painted everything the same color (one that recedes) and planted ivy on trellis' mounted in front of the most offensive parts to hide it all.