Painting help with color and technique

by Paula
Hi everyone! any ideas on how to paint the nightstand (1st pic) to paint it like the other pics?
this is the one I have to paint
and turn it into this
or this
  5 answers
  • Denise Heydon Denise Heydon on May 25, 2015
    Hi, I would strip it all back then stain it with a walnut stain.
  • Sherrie Sherrie on May 25, 2015
    I think it also has been stained with Walnut and a flat finish
    comment photo
  • Mary Mary on May 25, 2015
    And of course, either new pulls or the old ones painted darker.
  • Sbsb1005 Sbsb1005 on May 25, 2015
    If that is a factory finish on there it might be hard to get the "shine" off. Try to strip it. Sand it well - stain the color you like and choose a sealer that is matte. If you wanted 2 pulls you would have to fill in with wood putty but they never stain the same as the piece so I would just swap out the pull there for something more to your liking
  • Paula Paula on May 25, 2015
    I took all the shine off, that was not easy at all, you were right sbs1005. Now I will try with walnut stain. Let you know when its done!! Thanks all for your help.! xoxo