My son wants to make a beautiful backyard

by Stacy
My son is 13 and he just loves plants flowers we live in Florida he is trying to make our backyard look nice. I take him around to dumpster dive and we have found some good treasures but not enough to decorate our back yard or even our patio. We would love some great ideas that are affordable or easy to make that looks nice.
This is our back patio. Help what to do? Want to decorate on a budget and not permanant?
This is his dumpster dive treasure that he has found and I have picked up. Any ideas to what flowers would look nice?
We love this he had potted all the plants. Just wanting to know anyone advise on different flowers we could put here. We rent our home so we don't want to put anything permanant.
  11 answers
  • Mike Mike on May 27, 2015
    Look at neighbor's yard's ask if he might get a cutting, go with what he like's color's and foliage. I live in MI. I have Hostas, fern's, ornamental grasses. I too rent, ask permission from landlord, mine said OK if I maintain, tell landlord you'd like to take cutting's with you when you move. Good luck, your son will have a wonderful time with it, I'm sure.
  • Sandy Sandy on May 27, 2015
    Native plants will grow best in any area. Lots of foliage, various palms with pops of color.
  • Glenna Kennedy Glenna Kennedy on May 27, 2015
    rocks, rocks and more rocks! I have dragged rocks home ever since I was a kid and I still do it today. Rock gardens, small rock water features (look for an old galvanized wash tub at flea markets) fill with stones and water and a small pump. Put water lilies or water plants on top. Pump was about $10/plants $2--$3 can be used year after year and the sound is heavenly. Old tires hanging from a fence filled with dirt and planted with some type of cascading flowers. I go to the re-use it store and get spindles and find fan lights that people have thrown on the side of the road. Paint the blades and the spindles whatever color you like and make a dragon fly for your yard. There are a million low cost ideas for decorating.
  • Glenna Kennedy Glenna Kennedy on May 27, 2015
    also dig holes and put the pots right in the ground. They dont look quite so obvious and can be removed or swapped out with other plants when needed.
  • Dee Dee on May 27, 2015
    Pallet projects are all the rage, so lots of great ideas here and on Pinterest. Pallets are free and plentiful (just make sure you use heat treated -stamped HT- if you are planting edibles). Check out pins about re-growing celery, onions, etc. from kitchen scraps-all FREE. How great that he's found his passion at such an early age! Good luck to hm.
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    • Stacy Stacy on May 27, 2015
      I just looked I found some he is surly going to be excited
  • Centrd Centrd on May 27, 2015
    I admire your son's enthusiasm and your resourcefulness. There are SO many things you can do. One thing you could do is find a colorful cheap plastic mat/area rug which would bring a lot of life to your patio. Or find an old stained rug and paint it (lots of tutorials online if you search "painted rug".) In the meantime, here are some links with cheap patio ideas.
  • Stacy Stacy on May 27, 2015
    @ mike thank you
  • Shari Shari on May 27, 2015
    Using the wicker settee cushion as inspiration, I would suggest spray painting the wicker either a cheerful yellow or teal, and then accent the front entryway with pots of yellow flowers. You could also add yellow to the front planter for continuity. You will get the most impact with a large number of flowers of the same color so buy as many as you can afford to get the "wow" factor. The specific types of flowers will depend on where you chose to put them and how much sun those areas get throughout the day. Some flowers thrive in full sun and some can't handle full sun at all. If you tell the employees at your local garden center what kind of sun/shade the flowers will get, they can make appropriate suggestions. That goes for plants and small trees too. Since you rent, growing plants and small trees in pots is your best bet. We own a home that we rent out and our renters have planted some things in the ground but, for the most part, they have added lots of potted plants around the patio areas. As you can see from the photos below, they have also added outdoor rugs, hanging lights, etc., all things that add visual interest but could be easily taken with them if they decide to move.
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  • Glenna Kennedy Glenna Kennedy on May 27, 2015
    I would remove the plant stand, either use it on your patio or just not use it. Take the plants on it and either paint the pots for some color (cheap craft paint at the dollar store works) or bury them in the ground. A string of white lights around the tree, a bird house or feeder, arrange some flower pots around the patio. I agree that there's always a neighbor separating plants at this time of year who would probably be glad to give some away. Try painting the plant stand a bright color and use it on your patio? It is lost under that tree. The area just needs color to liven it up. Kudos to your son for wanting to do this...send him to my place! LOL
  • Kincaid99 Kincaid99 on Aug 16, 2015
    He is doing a wonderful job, keep up the good works, if you have home shows in your area, take him so he can learn, this would be a great profession to learn, landscaper. How about some Portland cement pots, not too big as they will be heavy, we just made some from hypertufa, which is equal parts of peat moss, portland and perlite. Still heavy but not as, you can add more perlite for less weight, we used sand instead of moss and it is very heavy, but durable. they look rustic in the backyard. For sun I would plant some coral bells, they can be separated later to make more plants, same with Hosta it can be separated later for more plants (shade) Likewise, send him to my home to do the backyard, he is a keeper.
  • Kincaid99 Kincaid99 on Aug 16, 2015
    I like the stand under the tree, but maybe a lighter color so it shows up, with the pallets you can make benches, tables, etc. Just type in pallet projects at top and all kinds of ideas will appear,