how to do a wall mural

Connie dye
by Connie dye
I want to do a painted mural on a wall in my craft room...
  7 answers
  • Z Z on Jan 24, 2013
    Hi Connie. More info would help. Can you draw? Is it simple in design or do you need to know how to shade it to make it look somewhat realistic? If you have a photo of the idea you want to copy it would help if you share that.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jan 25, 2013
    I suggest you look for a course, Connie. Several years ago I became smitten with the idea of painting a Rufus Porter-style mural in my entry way. I found a weekend course in Vermont on doing just that, and learned enough to come back and paint my mural a few weeks later.
  • Z Z on Jan 25, 2013
    Great idea @Douglas Hunt Have you shared your mural on HT? I'd love to see it.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jan 25, 2013
    It was quite a photography challenge because of the space, Becky, but here is a photo from the Realtor's site when I listed the house that will give you an idea.
    comment photo
  • Z Z on Jan 25, 2013
    Oh WOW @Douglas Hunt that is gorgeous. I bet you hated to leave that behind.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jan 25, 2013
    There were many difficult things to leave behind about that house, Becky, but I have carried the happy memories with me.
  • Z Z on Jan 25, 2013
    I know exactly what you mean @Douglas Hunt The last home we left was the most difficult move even though we were moving into our dream home. So many memories were tied to that home. I lived there longer than I had any one place before then, but as you said, the memories move with us.