There is a bird in my dryer vent. I think it's stuck.

by Shelly
It's been chirping for 2 days, non-stop. I tried removing the dilapidated vent cover to give it more room to fly out but it's still in there. I can see nesting in there; maybe the nesting materials are blocking the bird from getting out?
What should I do? Do you think the bird is stuck or just hanging out? Don't want it to die...or suffer if there's something I can do!
  6 answers
  • Carole Carole on Jun 23, 2015
    If you have some kind of wildlife rescue in your area I would be calling them in. Failing that contact the RSPCA or SCPA and see what they suggest. They may even be able to remove it for you.
  • Kathy Kathy on Jun 23, 2015
    My daughter had this happen. She got it out and it went back in the first time! You could run your drier on air only. That may help. Originally it came into her house, flew around and out the door, only to go back to the nest in the duct. She needed to put a screen over the opening to keep it out. Good luck
  • Nina Klein Nina Klein on Jun 23, 2015
    i don't think it's stuck, it's nesting and will continue to come back unless you cover the exterior vent opening. We had the exact same problem. I would run the dryer on no heat to run her out, and she would come back a few hours later. Got to put an exterior cage on your vent....But get the bird out first before she hatches eggs!
  • Judith Judith on Jun 23, 2015
    Whatever method you choose, please help it to safety asap. Once it is gone cover the vent so it cannot get back in. It is another of God's creatures we must protect.
  • Pat Pat on Jun 23, 2015
    Keep in mind, birds love using lint to line their nests, it's too soft for them to resist. That's why we put it out for them, especially during the winter! Need to get them out of there soon, so give it a reason to leave. Clean out lint from dryer & what can reach of vent. Place lint somewhere close by, with some bird food & water to lure. Try turning on air only cycle to see if will work. Once out, clean vent area & cover with a piece of screen, before replacing vent cover.
  • Kaioverbeck Kaioverbeck on Jun 27, 2015
    my neighbor has this problem with swallows. Once they find a home they come back every year. They chose his dryer vent. He bought a new flap and that didn't work. He put a nylon sock over it and that only kept the lint from escaping. Now, he just waits and they got tired of him. He had to go into his attic and remove the vent piece by piece. It was a good thing since they had carted in a ton of straw, etc. So, with 2 years of hearing him complain, I suggest you dismantle the whole dryer vent and clean it out.