Sofa cover

by Michelle
I thought I'd ask you folks about recovering a sofa. The sofa has a removable back, cushion is in place meaning it is not removable. The sofa is solid but would love to find to find a way to recover without breaking the bank. Thanks!
  6 answers
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Jun 26, 2015
    Look like a perfect type of sofa to try painting first.If the bottom cushion is not sew to the side arms,I would slide some wax paper between that space,then remove it when the paint dries.There are tons of tutorials on home talk.You can. Always cover it if you do not like the results.
  • Blondiesloft Blondiesloft on Jun 26, 2015
    Surefit has wonderful slipcovers that accomadte many styles and sizes, Here is their link:) Good luck!!
    comment photo
  • Dahlia Walsh Dahlia Walsh on Jun 27, 2015
    you could buy an inexpensive paint canvas at Home Depot oe any paint store to make a slip cover, you cand find out how to on
  • Gillian Claire Gillian Claire on Jun 27, 2015
    Recovering is a lot easier than you thonk but hard work. Firstly turn your sofa upside down. Strip the cover off the bottom by raising the staples holding it in place with a flat screw driver. Keep it so you can re-use it. Then look inside to each side. There are probably long bolts or screws holding the side arms in place. Undo these but take pictures along tge way to remind yourself of what you did. Then it should be fairly easy to see how the fixed cushion seat is held in place. You can then recover with your fabric and a staple gun. I promise it's a lot easier than you think. Hope this helps.
  • Valerie Whiteman Valerie Whiteman on Jun 27, 2015
    OK, so... these are all great ideas but if you want to re-upholster, all you have to do is use the old fabric as a pattern and carefully remove the staples holding it in place and cut out new pieces. If you want to do the piping, same theory applies... but you will need to stitch and will need to sew this ... much more complicated. I say skip the piping and use the old fabric as a pattern and you got it! You will need to sew the cushions, but again, take it all apart bit by bit and use as a pattern. Be sure to add new foam wrap to the cushions so they are like new. You can do this!!!
  • Michelle Michelle on Jun 27, 2015
    thanks for the input , I have decided to go with a canvas drop cloth, for the shabby chic vintage look right now. I have two dogs and cat, so this will be easy to remove and wash. My home was built in the 50's so I love the vintage look, who would thought you could use a drop cloth:)