Has anyone used Valspar Chalky Paint?

by Lynn
I see that Valspar now sells a chalk paint, and I am wondering if anyone has tried it yet? I think I am ready to give it a try, but money is always an issue. I want to be sure if it is as good as ASCP.
  10 answers
  • Sandy Blackburn Sandy Blackburn on Jul 01, 2015
    Can you use chalk paint on fabric?
  • NancyL NancyL on Jul 01, 2015
    I have used Valspar Chalk Paint, and love it! Its a little pricey, but do love the results!
    comment photo
  • Leigh Ann Azlin Leigh Ann Azlin on Jul 01, 2015
    I haven't. The reviews on it were horrible so I hated to waste money on it. You might try Heirloom Traditions or their Debi's Design Diary DIY line. It comes in 12 oz samples, pints and quarts. There are quite a few colored waxes and some metallic finishes.
    The lady in the paint dept saw me struggling with the cost of this Valspar and quietly slipped me a note on making my own: Mix well 1 cup latex paint, 1/3 cup plaster of paris and 1/3 cup of water. She said she makes it all the time...haven't yet tried it myself but it may be worth it.
    • Lynn Lynn on Jul 03, 2015
      @JESTONECIPHER I am going to give this a try. Thanks for the recipe :) - I have to save anyway I can.
  • Dawn Villines Dawn Villines on Jul 01, 2015
    Why spend 30.00 a quart when you can make your own? The Lowe's paint dept. has the recipe and lots of advice. The DIY version works excellent and far cheaper ...especially if you peruse their "oops" paint at only 9.00 a gallon!
    • Lynn Lynn on Jul 03, 2015
      @Dawn Villines I have an "oops" of my own. <dang, I hate when that happens> Thanks.
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Jul 01, 2015
    Walmart is selling smaller less expensive chalk paint in the craft department
    • Lynn Lynn on Jul 03, 2015
      @Funnygirl Good to know....especially since I don't need a lot.
  • Melanie Jean Stultz Melanie Jean Stultz on Jul 02, 2015
    I have tried the Disney brand got it on the reduced shelf my daughter loved it .
    • Lynn Lynn on Jul 03, 2015
      @Melanie Jean Stultz I didn't even know Disney had a brand. I bet they have some pretty colors. Thanks, Malanie Jean.
  • Julie Julie on Jul 02, 2015
    I have three colors and I really like it.be careful if you want the Coe called black boot. My lowes said the color mixutee was wrong and it made blue .
    • Lynn Lynn on Jul 03, 2015
      @Julie What colors do you like? Just curious, as I love color. Lowes is a great store - - I always have fun just walking the aisles. Thank.
  • Julie Julie on Jul 03, 2015
    Lynn, I have kid gloves, which is basically a white. I use it to create a distressed look and I add the antiquing wax over it. I also have theatre wrap which is a turquoise. My fave is woolen mittens. It's a gray but a soft gray. But I will tell you, the antiquing wax, or step 3, a little goes a LONG ways. Buy good brushes for that step. I know it's not cheap but I am not a fan of making my own and valspar is a good line. Sometimes it's worth it to just have it already made and go for it. Although compared to sherwin Williams, when I do make my own, Valspar regular paint makes the best homemade version of chalk paint. I use plaster of Paris. Hope this helps.
    • Lynn Lynn on Jul 03, 2015
      @Julie Thanks, Julie. Kid Gloves - love that name of paint color. I have heard buying good brushes is important and since this is for my bedroom dresser, I will definitely purchase good brushes. I also agree that sometimes it is better to just bite the bullet and buy the paint already mixed - I am leaning towards doing this. And, I can justify it because I received a little pre birthday money from my mother. Yeah, mom! You have been very helpful & kind in sharing your experience.
  • NancyL NancyL on Jul 04, 2015
    Good to know! I will definitely try the homemade version! NancyL