We just bought a house without a front porch

by Jennifer
I'd love ideas on how to affordably create a front porch look short of actually building/adding on to the house. Right now it's just a little alcove area.
  6 answers
  • MaryStLouis MaryStLouis on Jul 01, 2015
    Have you thought about building a pergola over the front door? This was taken from Pinterest.
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  • Susen Gail Susen Gail on Jul 01, 2015
    A pergola is also my suggestion. We just built one over our backdoor/steps, extending the porch about 10 feet on each side. Everyone loves it.
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Jul 01, 2015
    I love the pergola idea,I would add some type of cover so you don't get wet opening the door or waiting for someone to answer the door. I would also put a bench on either side facing each other.Nice place to put down packages,or waiting to be picked up.I would put benches that have high backs with a small shelf so I could put some lanterns non electric to light the area up at night.Good place for a pumpkin too!
  • Patty S Patty S on Jul 02, 2015
    We did the pergola idea last year. It really woke up our house and made it look a lot larger.
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  • Sue McGee Sue McGee on Jul 03, 2015
    You could try surrounding the alcove and the entrance to it with plantings and large pots/urns with taller plants or topiaries, treat the area as if there is a porch there. If you need to expand the "landing area" around or in front of the concrete pad (assuming there is a concrete pad) use pea gravel in a similar color to your concrete around the pad.
  • Chr3573177 Chr3573177 on Feb 20, 2016
    Build a pallet porch cheap sturdy n cute