A before and after(well we're making progress) lakehouse kitchen....

by Shelle
A few months back I posted pictures of my new cottage kitchen to ask for help in choosing paint colors. We have recently installed new countertops and I LOVE them!!! Well I am back to show you the progress, I am moving forward with a backsplash next. If you have ideas, please share!!!
Before installing new countertops and sink.
New sink
Close up on countertops
Close up of sink
After picture of the kitchen with cabinets painted in BM white. Lovely....
Walls of cottage are done in Gray Owl.....so now on to backsplash....
After pic
Backsplash idea?
Backsplash idea?
Backsplash idea? In gray or solid white?
I think this is my favorite, but am afraid it might be too much???
  13 answers
  • Rose Rose on Jul 08, 2015
    I would paint the cabinets a soft white or deep gray,with a soft yellow for the walls and if budget allows some tile for the backsplash.
  • Kayo Frazier Kayo Frazier on Jul 08, 2015
    Love the counter top & sink...Here's my 2 cents...If you are planning on keeping your cabinets, I would take the time to take them down & remove the short so-fit above the cabinets. This will give you probably 6 inches of more space bet. cabinets & counter. I would take down the decorative wooden piece above the sink. If there is a light up there, put a frosted glass globe over it. I would then paint the cabinets semi-gloss white. I would not remove the paneling on the walls. I would paint them either a soft gray or a light blue. Then I would add sheers to the windows.
  • Charlotte Wood Eckel Charlotte Wood Eckel on Jul 08, 2015
    Definitely need to brighten it up in there. Between the paneling, floor and dark cabinets, it looks cavernous. Paint the cabinets and take down the paneling between the uppers and countertop. Put up a tile backsplash to match your new countertops.
  • I would paint the top cabinets off-white and the bottom cabinets medium gray. the wall could be off-white or a lighter shade of gray than the cabinets.
  • Sewgreat1 Sewgreat1 on Jul 08, 2015
    I would. paint the cabinets a very light shade of gray. I would also take down the paneling and put up white bead board.. top off the kitchen with some type of trim.. whether it be crown or go simple.. a 1x4 1x2 and quarter round.. take out the wooden cut piece over the sink, in its place DYI your own Faux leaded glass, the glass paints look so very real! frame it right in that spot! to save $$ find someone to powdercoat your handles and hinges, then reuse them! (no chance of having to re drill or hinges throwing off the cabinet swings) I would do the back splash with Paint for now.. The end wall of the kitchen, i would use a wide knife and fill the panel holes.. give it 2 coats of primer stain sealer.. and find some fantastic washable wall paper for a statement wall!
  • Debbie Miller Debbie Miller on Jul 09, 2015
    If this was my kitchen, I would go with a "Pewter" colored paint and add White Marbled Knobs, then either some splashes of red or yellow. A bright backsplash would also be nice!
  • Cathy Cathy on Jul 09, 2015
    I would either go with a grey or black. Had a friend do black cabinets and they look great.
  • Debra Hildebrand Debra Hildebrand on Jul 09, 2015
    The upper cabinets would look nice with a gray-toned white, with the bottom cabinets painted a deep blue.
  • Peggy Dodd Peggy Dodd on Jul 09, 2015
    I just redid my cabinets and I used wood bead board paneling ( I used two 4 x 8 sheets and it was 80.00 for both) I cut to size then wood glued them right on top of the old doors and then bought trim mold and trimmed around them and so far I have gotten a lot of compliments and it only cost me about 120-140 dollars total.
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    • Peggy Dodd Peggy Dodd on Jul 12, 2015
      mes @Shelle here are a couple of photos, please excuse my floor, its hasn't been replaced yet, working on things one at a time. Have to put on handles on doors like the ones that are on drawers already. My local Lowes had this color and white and the one I picked is definitely wood not wafer board (particle board) its thing but makes it easy to work with. used wood glue to attach panels and nail gun (staple like nails without much of a head on them). good luck. btw I like the scalloped board over your sink. I also have wood paneling in my kitchen and I painted one of the walls blue (the one the table is against) and put nothing but pictures of the family on that wall and some of the frames have blue in them, it kind of ties in the blue counters that are on the other side of the room (I have a long kitchen, no dining room) have a great week. pin interest is great, love it.
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  • Saz703268 Saz703268 on Jul 09, 2015
    Everything you've done is modern. The scalloped trim over the sink is dated. I would remove it and put a balance on a tension rod. The walls need to be painted. Either as they are, or fill the grooves and then paint. Hgtv's Candace Olsen recommends Benjamin Moore Gray Owl with wood and stainless steel. I gave it a try and went from hating my cabinets to loving them, without the paint job I thought they needed. But, if you do paint them, go with a white, Benjamin Moore Cotton Balls. You could do the white on top and gray only on the bottom if you wanted to. So the backsplash depends on the wall and cabinet color. I used white, paintable tin tiles, that way you can change it up as you like. I love your counter choice. It's the one I picked but haven't installed yet. My realtor tells me laminate counters are coming back! With a gray and white kitchen, you are free to use whatever color accessories you like. Don't forget, every room needs some black somewhere. You've chosen a timeless color combo and you've used all the latest trends. You just have to kick it up a notch and brighten up the space. I've just finished painting every room in the house and cannot tell you how much it feels brand new again. Keep us updated as you get further on so we can see your progress. Thanks for sharing.
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    • Shelle Shelle on Sep 24, 2015
      @Shelle Now to pick a backsplash and I am thinking of painting the inside of cabinets in a turquoise?? I will post more pics when I get the kitchen back together.
  • Shelle Shelle on Oct 13, 2015
    A little update....so much more to do, but progress!!!!
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  • Kayo Frazier Kayo Frazier on Oct 13, 2015
    here's my 2 cents...If you ever get bored w/ the pale green back splash...You can get foamboard cover them w/ your favorite fabric & stick them to the walls. Add a pop of color when you want.
  • Antony Antony on Jul 12, 2019

    That looks really cool. My wife and I recently moved to another city and even though we really liked our new house, kitchen was a huge disaster - too small and kind of ancient. We solved the problem already and now it is literally the best room in the whole house (well, it is for me as I am keen on backing and stuff). I also wanted to say that you seem to have a small amount of kitchen equipment though I believe some of them may be quite useful - we`ve got 2 shelves full of different kitchen tools especially after I found dozens of useful pieces of advise here - http://mykitchenadvisor.com/ and decided that they may simplify food making process. Your kitchen looks wonderful but I highly recommend to modernize it even more with a help of kitchen appliances!