
by Betty
The closet has a slant floor from steps below and we cover all sides with plywood.
How else can we use this for? besides shelving.
  2 answers
  • Z Z on Jul 23, 2015
    Our entry closet was that way in our last home. It had a rod for hanging coats, which worked fine, but it was a pain to get the vacuum in and out. Yes, the vacuum had to be set on the angled, floor, but if I released the handle it worked. I later removed the rod, and added boards below the shelf cleats, added hooks and made as somewhat nice closet into one that was so much easier to get things in and out of. Our current coat closet doesn't have the slanted floor, but after a decade of living with it as a normal closet with rods, I decided to do the same to it.
  • Tonia Tonia on Jul 23, 2015
    We boxed in the slant with a removable top. Your can store things that don't get used often and you have a flat surface at a more convenient height for the things you do.