Aphids and mealy bugs

Rose Chapman
by Rose Chapman
Hi - does anyone have a safe recipe to eradicate aphids from my succulent flowers and also a recipe to eradicate those white, sticky mealy bugs that are destroying my succulents.
  7 answers
  • Linda B Linda B on Jul 27, 2015
    Go here: http://hertford.ces.ncsu.edu/mealybug/ to learn about mealybug control (Insecticidal soap works -- purchase the kind you find in stores, since homemade concoctions may or may not be effective. Insecticidal soap is considered an organic product for pest control). You're going to want to use insecticidal soap for the aphids, as well. One thing most people overlook is that you have to cover every single bit of the surface of the plant -- undersides of leaves, stems, the whole thing. Those tiny insects can hide quite easily, so you need to be thorough. (I'm an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer in NC, and we're not allowed to recommend homemade products because they're not labeled. And we know some people are goofy enough to not make recipes correctly or use them correctly. If a product has a label on it, chances are at least a little better that people will READ that label.)
  • Liz Liz on Jul 27, 2015
    Washing up liquid mixed with water......about an eggcup full to a pint of water, spray the bugs with this mixture.
  • Rebecca Ruge Rebecca Ruge on Jul 27, 2015
    Mix Dawn dish soap with water and spray.....
  • Kaye Watkins Kaye Watkins on Jul 27, 2015
    Diatomaceous Earth ...organic, cheap, kills all bugs that it touches
  • TENITA DEAL TENITA DEAL on Jul 27, 2015
    I keep an eye out for aphids especially on my roses. Simple---Just pour rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle and spray the tips as soon as you see aphids--or anywhere else. They tend to prefer new growth, like rose buds. Quick and easy.
  • Annette Eveleigh Annette Eveleigh on Jul 27, 2015
    I mix my own white oil from 'water, drizzle of cooking oil and squirt of dishwash in a spray bottle. Works for me. Also put some ant trap nearby as they are carrying the mealybug to other plants. I use a small plastic bottle with holes towards the top and lid on with a mix of 'water, sugar and cloudy ammonia'.. Good luck.
  • Rose Chapman Rose Chapman on Jul 30, 2015
    Thank you to everyone who replied to my question - I shall try these recipes and see how they work - cheers, Rose