I need help with a drainage problem

Karen Cousin
by Karen Cousin
I purchased a home and the pool area was extended. When it was built it was slanted away from the home and small holes were drilled in the base of the wall for drainage. When it rains I get a huge lake of algae and frogs and mess. I need to know how to correct this problem. The ground on the other side of the wall is even with the top of the wall. I was told to put in a French drain but would have to dig down 3 ft and run the line approx. 100 ft to lower ground to drain. Anyone have a better solution??
  6 answers
  • William Fritzsche William Fritzsche on Jul 28, 2015
    If it drains to a low spot within the walls, you could install a small sump pit and drain it that way. If it has several low spots, try to connect them to drainage channels saw-cut and pitched to one low spot and put in the sump. GFCI circuit for the small sump pump. Put a cast iron or fiberglass drain cover over the pit.
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    • Karen Cousin Karen Cousin on Jul 30, 2015
      @William Fritzsche the corner is the low spot . I was adv to put a sump pump but for drainage was told to back hoe 3 -4 feet deep of ground and 100 feet to a low area of the yard as this area behind the wall is the highest area of the yard.. for drainage. This entire project was not thought thru from the beginning but it was before I purchased.. I cant put in self leveling because that will bring the water back to the home.
  • Cat1786735 Cat1786735 on Jul 28, 2015
    Here's possible cheap fix... It looks like you have a retaining wall and concrete patio that are holding in the excess water. Depending on what's behind that wall/patio have you considered drilling slanted drain holes in the patio and/the retaining wall to release the water? A large and long concrete drill bit might do the trick.
    • See 1 previous
    • Karen Cousin Karen Cousin on Jul 30, 2015
      @Cathy Little they used that idea.. unfortunately the ground is even with the top of the wall on the other side. they drilled the holes but the only thing that does is when it rains bad I get water coming in from the ground on the other side. This is so depressing and I am so at a loss with out investing a ton of money to back hoe the back yard to put a drain in
  • Jewelsgems Jewelsgems on Jul 30, 2015
    I have a drainage problem in front of our patio door which opens out onto grass. When it rains hard, it puddles in front of the door. What needs to be done here? Thank you, JB
  • William Fritzsche William Fritzsche on Jul 30, 2015
    If you can use either pipe or hose to get over, or through the retaining wall to a point that gives positive drainage away from the wall, that is all you need.. I am guessing the 100 ft trench was to give you a gravity drain, not a pumped drain. Where does your roof water drain to?
    • Karen Cousin Karen Cousin on Jul 30, 2015
      @William Fritzsche roof has gutters and drains out into the yard.. I have put extenders on them to have them roll out and drain further away to prevent saturating the ground by this area
  • William Fritzsche William Fritzsche on Jul 30, 2015
    Gravity vs Pump - Click on picture
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    • Karen Cousin Karen Cousin on Jul 30, 2015
      @William Fritzsche so put a sump pump and run piping thru the wall and up to the land behind... land is on a slant towards the wall.. but I can try and re grade it. Hopefully this will work.. still an expense running electricity but cheaper than running a French drain or moving.. thank you so much..
  • Try to solve this problem as earlier as possible so that you may not encounter any havoc or chaotic situation. To avoid this you may hire a professional from certified company.Thanks for good sharing.