Tea for 2 Thrifty Makeover

I didn't plan it, but I think I'm a silver tea pot collector. This is the 2nd one I found at a thrift store and I couldn't resist it's charm, or the price. I knew I could use it for something.
The tea cups and saucers were way on the other side of Goodwill. There was only 2 that matched, but what a perfect set for 2 this made!
I got it home, and made tea in my favorite tea cup that looks nothing like these. No way was I using my finds for tea!!! I wanted to repurpose them...I wanted to make them over...but how?
Just buy $9 roses, that's how!! These lasted 2 weeks in our foyer on our black stereo console up against our silver platter wall. I hope you'll come see!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  1 question
  • Nan Nan on Aug 20, 2016
    Do you clean the tarnish off and shine the pot, or leave it as you found it?
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  • Geeswonderland Geeswonderland on Sep 16, 2017

    You got a deal on them tea cups they are anywhere between $5 and $10 at Goodwill over here.. Love the finished look!!

  • I got this one with a small tray ($9.99) at Salvation Army. Painted, decoupaged & diamond dusted both, but don't use together!

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