Are these cypress trees dead?

by Heather
We have these cypress trees in our front yard that aren't looking too shabby. Do you think there is still hope to saving them?
There are a total of four, but these two look sickly while the other two look normal. They all get the same fertilizer and almost the same amount of sun, these might get a little less
Is there hope?
  6 answers
  • Angie moses Angie moses on Aug 01, 2015
    If the needles keep dropping off then it could be a fungus. I have one like this and researched it and it said needle drop disease. I am going to buy something and hopefully save mine.
  • Pgl Pgl on Aug 01, 2015
    Look for small holes in the bark or any insect egg casings. Contact your agricultural county agent take a sample if you can, you should be able to find your agent under your county listings , this is were you will get the best advice
  • Con Con on Aug 02, 2015
    So THAT's the name of what's killing/infecting all of the cypress trees, Needle drop disease? I'm in PA, and it's in TN and NC....yikes! I'll find out who my agricultural county agent is. Thank you both!
  • Barbara Valenti Barbara Valenti on Aug 03, 2015
    Yes, I found out the hard way. Cypress bushes seem to be prone to fungus. I have lost many. I recently cut down a pretty cypress bush in my front yard. Had it about 8 years. As I was cutting it down noticed it had turned brown in the inner branches. Could not be happier with it gone. Reason being, it had gotten too large for its space. It actually was a miniature but I let it continue to grow. I did not know how to trim it up without damaging the rest of it. So, bye, bye! Need to replace spot with something else now?????
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 04, 2015
    It may not be fungus that is browning your trees. There is a mite that attacks cypress trees. Try spring them with an insect control for pines. I would try to scrape off the brown branches with a scissor .I have done this in the past and seems to work.
  • Matthys Matthys on Aug 05, 2015
    It is not dead. Just cut the brown and let the trunk free near the ground. Mines were the same and are beautiful now.
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