Black specks in cold faucet water?

by Ashle
My mother recently bought a house and we moved in this week. It is 101 years old and if I recall correctly it has been remodeled and painted.
Today I was drank a cup of water from the sink and when I went to fill up a second cup I noticed a lot of black flakes. Seeing this I tried it in the bathroom for the sink and shower and got the same results with less flakes. I'm going back to school in the fall and don't really know much about houses, and while my mom doesn't have much for repairs I was wondering what it could be, if it's harmful and what we can do from here. Also my throat/chest hurt a bit after drinking it but that may be an overreaction. Any advice helps thank you!
  4 answers
  • 1st question is anyone else in the neighborhood getting this - If so it maybe a local issue & once solved will require flushing the lines Just you, well you have something in your pipes which requires either replacement or hopefully just flushing the lines (house that old - tends to make me believe you might have to repipe) To flush out your system - drain the water heater For other faucets - take off the shower heads, faucet aerators, etc... (not forgetting outside water spigots, laundry lines) & let the water run till nothing comes out. Clean the aerators & reinstall
  • Pattiecake51 Pattiecake51 on Aug 02, 2015
    Call your county Environmental Health and pay them (ours was $135 in Surry Co. NC) to come out and take a water sample. You choose what to have it tested for and they will help you decide. It's well worth the peace of mind.
  • Janet Cordingly Stout Janet Cordingly Stout on Aug 02, 2015
    How long did the house sit empty before you moved in? Maybe a good flushing of the water pipes would help. \
  • Jamie j Jamie j on May 19, 2022

    Chlorine disintegration of the seating washer.