Advice on different decor and how to blend, thank you

by Lacy
I want to make my kitchen a farm kitchen decor, my living room is western. I want to blend my farm stuff into dinning room but also want it to flow with my living room. Having issues coming up with a answer. I would like to paint the kitchen all white, the dinning room now has light blue wall and cream walls, the living room is dark brown and cream. If this helps.
  3 answers
  • Ali Ali on Aug 10, 2015
    Farm and western go together. Incorporate some of your western bits in the dining room with distressed and barn board frames, and an old horseshoe, wrought-iron, and some of your accent colors. Similarly you can use your kitchen/dining room curtain fabric to make an accent pillow or two for the living room. Try to stay away from too many theme tchotchkes; or keep them all together. If you love it, everything in your house will flow.
  • Linda gustin Linda gustin on Aug 10, 2015
    I was going to say the same thing add a little farm to the western, and western to the farm side , either with color or decore
  • Lori Broderick Lori Broderick on Aug 11, 2015
    I agree, if you are western you can still use the western elements of iron, wood, but stay away from the western patterns and go more neutral. In certain areas of the house add more farm house looks like a glass chandelier or deer antler chandelier but painted antique white. Pics below to help with inspiration:)
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