Major Reasons of Chimney Problems With Fireplaces

Arna Kotak
by Arna Kotak
Owning a traditional fireplace can be a great pleasure but it also requires a good deal of maintenance. If you don't have your fireplace and chimney regularly inspected then it's easy for problems to occur that prevent it from functioning properly.
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Problems with your fireplace not only prevent it from functioning properly but can also put you and your family in danger. CO2 build-up is one of the most dangerous consequences of a poorly functioning fireplace so you should always ensure that you have it inspected on a regular basis.

Below are some of the most common chimney problems with fireplaces.

1. Obstruction

There are a lot of things that can prevent fumes created in your fireplace from being able to escape properly. The chimney being too short is one common reason; so is your home being too airtight.

Of course, there are plenty of physical objects that can get stuck in the chimney that block it too. These include things like leaves, birds' nests and mortar. Whatever the case, if you suspect that your chimney is obstructed in any way then you need to have it inspected by a professional immediately.

2. Creosote build-up

Creosote is a mixture of the tar and soot that your fireplace produces when burning fuel. It sticks to the interior of your chimney and when it's allowed to build up too much, it increases the risk of a house fire occurring. This is why it's very important to have your chimney inspected and cleaned at least once a year.

3. Problems with brickwork

When a chimney is neglected for a long period of time, it's very easy for problems to develop such as it leaning or completely collapsing. To correct chimneys with brickwork problems, a procedure called tuckpointing is used. This is where any damaged mortar is removed and new mortar is applied in order to give the chimney stability. Tuckpointing should always be carried out by an experienced professional.

4. Chimney crown

The chimney crown is the top part of the chimney. When cracks appear in it, it's possible for moisture to enter the chimney system. This can cause a lot of problems so it's usually recommended that you have a chimney cap installed to provide extra protection. A chimney cap will also provide protection against any debris getting into the chimney flue.

5. Flue cracks

The flue is the interior part of the chimney where the gases and smoke pass through. Because it's subjected to corrosive chemicals and high temperatures, the chimney flue can easily become damaged over time. Once this happens, it can greatly increase the risk of a house fire since it's the flue lining that protects the combustible parts of your home.

One of the best ways to prevent this problem from occurring is by having a flue liner installed. A flue liner will make your flue much more resistant to heat and prevent the build-up of creosote. A flue liner that's properly installed by a professional can add years to the lifespan of your chimney.
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