6 Invasive Plants That You'll Regret Planting in Your Yard

by BrightNest
Not all plants are created equal. In fact, some plants are straight up garden jerks – bullying other plants and invading your entire yard. Not cool.
When it comes to planting a garden and landscaping your backyard oasis, you want to choose plants that makes sense for your home, budget and free time to spend watering and maintain them. The following six plants are popular, but difficult to keep under control.

1. Kudzu

Kudzu is practically a southern tradition, along with sweet tea and porch swings. But for a homeowner, they’re unforgettable for all the wrong reasons. This semi-woody vine can grow up to a foot a day, and it can take years of herbicide spray or kudzu grazing goats (who keeps goats!?) to kill it.

2. Mint

It sounds great in theory. “Let’s grow mint for bottomless mojitos forever!” But rarely do people know the long-term commitment of growing mint in the ground. Once it’s in the dirt, it spreads like wildfire and is difficult to control. If you want fresh mint (which is great!), it’s best to grow this herb in a potted plant.

3. Bamboo

Unless you’re prepared to plant concrete or plastic root barriers in the ground under your garden, it’s best to avoid bamboo. A large portion of bamboo varieties are called “running” varieties – that’s how fast they spread!

Tip: If you’re determined to have bamboo in your garden, choose a variety from the “clumping” family (like Bambusa or Borinda). While these will still spread, they do it at a slower and more manageable pace.

Discover 3 more plants that are more trouble than they're worth at BrightNest: http://bit.ly/DontBuyThesePlantsForYourGarden
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