
Judy Kelley
by Judy Kelley
what kind of flower is this? It has rubbery stems.
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 28, 2015
    • See 1 previous
    • Z Z on Aug 28, 2015
      @Judy Kelley it's also known a Moss Rose (common name) that's what I've called them since I was a little girl when Mom had them planted between sidewalk and the front of the house below the kitchen window in my childhood home. They have been my favorite flower ever since. We had a horrid hail storm a year ago June that broke all the planters I once had on our railing filled with Portulaca/Moss Roses. Hubby tossed them out, not realizing that I could have put the soil else where and they would have grown from dropped seeds. I was happy to see that one of the planters on the floor of the back deck had seeds dropped into it and they bloomed this year! Here's a few pictures of mine from a couple years ago.
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  • Sue c. Sue c. on Aug 28, 2015
    Also known as Moss rose. You can easily grow from seed.
  • Terri Terri on Aug 28, 2015
    It will self-seed for years to come. I bought my first plant years ago. New plants sprout every Spring.
  • Marcia Marcia on Aug 28, 2015
    In the succulent family. Please don't over water.
  • Swan Road Designs Swan Road Designs on Aug 28, 2015
    Definitely portulaca/moss rose. It's beautiful and grows profusely and, as has already been mentioned, it will self-seed and will do so quite easily. You can also save the seeds and plant where desired. I always plant portulaca in each "balcony" of my large strawberry pots every summer. By summer's end, each strawberry pot is enveloped with the beautiful foliage and colorful blossoms. Makes quite a show. It's also easy maintenance. I usually gently water once per day and let Mother Nature do her thing when she sees fit. Pretty hardy so don't worry about having to coddle it.
    • Judy Kelley Judy Kelley on Aug 29, 2015
      @Swan Road Designs how do you store when winter comes. what temperature can they stand.
  • Swan Road Designs Swan Road Designs on Aug 29, 2015
    @Judy Kelly, not exactly sure what you're asking. Store the seeds or the plants? The plants are going to dry up and die naturally but you can save the seeds. Look for little pod-like structures at the ends of the stems, about the size of a pony bead. They will be darkish brown and have a pointed top, sort of cone-shaped. That's where the seeds are. Go ahead and pop one open and see what's inside. Don't worry about wasting one. Believe me, there are plenty where that came from and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many tiny poppy seed-like seeds are inside. Most of the time I simply dump the seeds back into my flower boxes or in the area I want portulaca the next spring and I'm done with it. However, you can put the seeds in an envelope and store them is a cool dry place until planting time.
  • Susan Susan on Aug 31, 2015
    portulaca or moss rose is what I think