Suggestions on what to do with cupboard

by Sonya imagination has hit a brick wall. Im wanting to use this cupboard in the kitchen. ..somewhere to store my coffee things...jug....cups ..etc. kitchen storage too....just not sure how to paint/strip it....ive taken all the doors off to start (have glass sliding doors for long middle top shelf too.
  12 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 02, 2015
    Question are there any other cabinets in the kitchen?
  • Danielle Danielle on Sep 02, 2015
    Is this a metal cabinet? It looks like it, but you didn't specify. If it is just sand the rust off with fine grit sandpaper, clean it really really well then either chalk paint (since this is the fashion right now) or spray paint. Krylon and Rustoleum both have some fab colors and finishes. Chose something that contrasts your other cabinets if you want it to stand out or a similar color to your other cabinets if you want it to blend. I think it's unique enough to merit doing something really bright and eye popping, but I know some people just don't like that look.
  • Sonya Sonya on Sep 02, 2015
    Sorry it is a timber cupboard and i have built in cupboards in kitchen but want this against another wall sit jug toaster coffee etc.
  • Z Z on Sep 03, 2015
    What an awesome cabinet @Sonya! I'd clean it up, either sand or use a liquid sand paper on it, use a good quality stain blocking primer, not sure you have the brand Kilz down under, and then paint it all a pretty complementary color to your kitchen decor. Well, all but the tall cabinet door on the left. I'd paint that with chalk board paint for writing grocery lists and family notes on. You could also get a piece of butcher block cut for the counter to dress it up a bit more if you need one. Please do remember to take lots of pictures and share the finished project however you wind up redoing it. I'd love to see it.
    • See 2 previous
    • Cheryle Fuller Cheryle Fuller on Sep 04, 2015
      If you have to strip parts of it, use Citri-Strip, an orange based stripper. smells great and is non-toxic, and goes further than any MEK based product I have tried. To sand, just start wth an 80 grit paper and work towards a 220 grit. Base coat, sand lightly and tack rag wipe, then 2 finish coats.
  • Minoguana Minoguana on Sep 03, 2015
    Te recomiendo lijardo todo, desgastanto la madera, no hace falta llegar a la veta, simplemente desgastar la pintura que tiene. Con un barniz satinado, pintarlo tal que esta. Las puertas, con una sierra de calar, cortaria el interior, dejandola como un marco de foto, y el hueco la rellenaria con tela metalica, como de gallinero. Compraria unas patas, para ponerselo y elevar el mueble.
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  • Louise Louise on Sep 03, 2015
    consider putting it in a walk in closet
  • Dee Lowe Dee Lowe on Sep 10, 2015
    What a awesome cabinet. I would finish stripping it down, paint whatever color to match your kitchen decor. I would leave the door off the tall side and use baskets. Oh please come back & show us what you have decided.
  • Ida Dahlberg Ida Dahlberg on Sep 10, 2015
    So many wonderful ideas. I personally like the chalk board paint for the long door. My daughter has a top half wall done in chalkboard and it works great for her because she has four children however since I live alone I don't feel id benefit from it so I personally would go for the basket idea.
  • Peppi Peppi on Sep 13, 2015
    this cabinet would go so many places in your home. love the closet idea, if you have the space. if not, i would go ahead w/the kitchen idea. i would paint some, decoupage others and add books, dishes, etc. can just see it now! let us know when you're done.
  • JILL JILL on Sep 13, 2015
    Garage, for tools and work table
    • Kni9941869 Kni9941869 on Oct 26, 2016
      Really like the Garage thing, I am doing something along those lines myself, each cubby will hold a power tool, the rest is work table yes plus accessories storage etc, nice, Great idea Jill.
  • Linda Dorn Linda Dorn on Sep 14, 2015
    Hi, You could paint it with chalk paint and use CC Coldwell brush on endurance instead of the wax on top of the chalk paint. I would replace the long door with chicken wire and put a light inside to show off your kitchen treasures. Put a stencil on the sliding glass doors and spray it with frosted spray paint. I transformed a couple of tv entertainment centers that way.Cute kitchen cabinet, have fun.
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  • Nancy Nancy on Jul 19, 2016
    This is often referred to as a kitchen larder cupboard. Most likely, it is from the 1950s. Check eBay and Pinterest for painting ideas. Many often have all the doors painted one color and the entire base cabinet painted white.