What to do with computer tower storage area of office desk.

I recently bought an all-in-one p.c. and no longer have a computer tower. What do I do with the tall, deep, & narrow cupboard of my office desk now? Any slide-out drawers or shelving don't fit.
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 04, 2015
    Well where do you intend to put it.Office etc. You simply can just make it a storage cabinet.You can go on pinterest for the conversion.
  • Kristine Kristine on Sep 04, 2015
    Just because it was a piece of office furniture does not mean it must remain in the office. Is this tower attached to the desk? If so, I would take it apart so that this tower can be a standalone piece, which would give you more flexibility. You can then put it in another part of the house. I don't know about you, but I can always use more storage in the kitchen, laundry area or garage. It might even make a good nightstand or dog/cat food storage cabinet. Be bold and have fun! :)
  • Ja Ka Smith Ja Ka Smith on Sep 04, 2015
    Give it a pop of color outside then a different pop inside,change out the knob. You can even give it a distressed look and use it in another part of the house. It has great potential. U can even turn it up side down n use as a storage bench. Check out th one I just did. Paid only $6 from a thrift store.
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  • Z Z on Sep 04, 2015
    I was hoping to find something about you on your profile page, but it appears this is your first and only post, so I'm winging this and using what you did mention, that slide out drawers or shelves don't fit. You can make your own by using drawer glides. I'm sharing a video by Ana White, you may have heard of her from her website Knock Off Wood (now just Ana White). You can get everything you need at HoDe or Ls.
  • Cindi Copeland Cindi Copeland on Sep 04, 2015
    The Container Store has elfa drawers sized for cabinets. It looks like the x-narrow ones might fit that cabinet. http://www.containerstore.com/s/elfa/components/cabinet-sized-elfa-drawers/platinum-cabinet-sized-elfa-drawer-frames/123d?productId=11001776
  • Stephany Albertson Stephany Albertson on Sep 05, 2015
    Wow thank you so much everyone. It is being used for home office and it's non-detachable, and this is indeed my first post. I really appreciate the quick responses and help. Good suggestions. Thanks all!
    • Z Z on Sep 06, 2015
      You're welcome Stephany. Be sure to take pictures and share what you did to make this work for you now.
  • Denise Denise on Sep 05, 2015
    Remove the door, put some cute knick knacks there, if its not against a eall on that side.