Has anyone used retro clean, orvus quilt soap on yellowed quits?

by Jeanne
I have 2 homemade quilts that yellowed in storage-sent to dry cleaners and returned still yellow--I am wondering about some products that I have seen-restoration, orvus quilt soap, retro clean to see if they truly work? my quilts are not that old or vintage-cross stitch with multi-colors embroidery. TIA

  3 answers
  • Amy Ogden-Paparone Amy Ogden-Paparone on Apr 09, 2018

    Hi Jeanne, I've heard so many people say that they use Orvus quilt soap all the time and they like it but I never heard them say it takes away the yellowing. Women in my friends quilting circle said when they purchase old quilts from auctions they used Oxiclean to clean them with. They actually let the quilt soak in a tub or basin big enough for the quilt and water and oxiclean for a day, upwards of three days and they say the yellowing is all gone and the quilt is beautiful! Hope this helps!

  • Veronica Veronica on Apr 10, 2018

    the I second the motion on Amy's suggestion. To me, OxiClean is a fantastic product that I use in all my laundry (i.e., whites, light colors and even black clothing). I use regular detergent and a scoop of OxiClean in every load of laundry. Additionally, I've used it on old lace, linen type, tablecloths and bedding. It helps to remove stains on bedding for my three dogs. I save an enormous amount of $ by purchasing an 11 lb box at Costco for $18. I would suggest that you use concentrated amounts of OxiClean (2 or 3 scoops) along with detergent. Furthermore, fill up the washing machine with Oxi and detergent and let it mix up a bit before adding the quilt. My dear friend has an HE machine, so she put the OxiClean powder inside the machine and adds the detergent to the dispenser container. Good Luck with this challenge :-)~

  • Veronica Veronica on Apr 10, 2018

    p.s.: let the stained item soak for a day or two :-)~

    • Jeanne Jeanne on Apr 10, 2018

      Thanks for your answer--I am going to check Sams club to see if they carry it--sounds like a good product