How can motor oil be removed from concrete?

Gaylyne Ayres
by Gaylyne Ayres
Two years ago, we had a concrete driveway poured, including a circle drive in front of our home. Unfortunately, someone recently had a motor oil leak while parked on the circle drive. The oil spot is approximately 18 inches across and is very noticeable. We would love to find a way to remove the stain.
  5 answers
  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on May 17, 2017

    I have used WD-40 to remove oil stains. Just spray directly on the stain and let sit for a few minutes....then rinse with water. Also, you can try powdered laundry detergent and water to make a paste...scrub well and rinse. Good luck!

  • Kitty litter to soak up the oil (that now is hazardous waste, dispose of properly), then as Michele suggested, WD 40. I have used a vinegar baking powder paste and scrubbed. My dad just would light a fire and burn off, but those days are gone!

  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on May 18, 2017

    I'd try a good old cleaning with Comet and a scrub brush. May take several attempts and a good rinse. If not, try the WD-40. Best of luck.

  • Liz Liz on May 18, 2017

    My mother-in-law used to put tide powder detergent on the oil marks , let it sit for a day and then scrubbed with a wet brush.

  • Greta Greta on May 18, 2017

    I would try the kitty litter treatment first. Pour it on and let it sit a couple days before sweeping it up. If that doesn't work, try a power washer, bleach or soaking it in GooGone or WD-40.