Cleaning an old wooden flower box

by Hus4912094
I have an old wooden flower box that I want to clean up and use inside for shelving. I need ideas on how to clean it up. What and how do I do this? It will be used for a shelf so it needs to be clean.
  4 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 21, 2016
    Spray the box down with a mixture of bleach and water. Allow to sit on long enough to remove any mildew etc. Then rinse well and dry out.
  • Carol Roddy Carol Roddy on May 21, 2016
    Depending on how dirty it is, you may have to use a scrub brush and something like Mr. Clean and water and scrub it well. Rinse with a garden hose and let it dry in the sun. Then you can use something like minwax if you want to stain it a different or darker color. If it has some writing on you can go over that after with marker or paint and a brush. The above suggestion of bleach is good however it could bleach the color out of the wood and if you don't want that, you can use household cleaner like Mr. Clean
  • Rosaline VanNess Tignor Rosaline VanNess Tignor on May 21, 2016
    Bleach and water and sunshine. It will lighten the wood, but you'll know it's clean. Bleach + sunshine = gorgeous
  • Hus4912094 Hus4912094 on May 21, 2016
    Thank for all the suggestions and I will use the wax as suggested I didn't even think of that